Why the FUCK are zoomers so tall?

Is it true in your country too? The average White zoomer here is like 6'2, and the women are like 5'8. I'm 5'9, and tired of feeling like a manlet whenever I meet someone just a few years younger than me. I need to move to a part of the country with more Asians and Hispanics so I can feel tall.

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I'm 6'3, and zoomies mog me regularly
end my suffering please

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Did the government start putting HGH in the water a few years ago or something?

Nah, NATO just dropped tons of depleted uranium in 99

I'm 6'' and I seriously feel short when I'm around zoomies. It's crazy. I'm a zoomer too but this is insane. I see them towering over their parents.
And the women too. I see women at 6'1'' almost daily. Wikipedia says the average German is shorter than I but I can't believe that.
I even started wearing insoles... which is just ridiculous.

Meds are still short though. No idea why. I went to Italy recently and felt tall for the first time in years.

The shit they feed livestock to make then grow really fast and big usually contaminates the water supply used to make food and drinking water.

HGH prescriptions. Their parents are self-conscious and go to the doctor with some spiel about their kid growing slowly, doc gives them HGH and the kid is 6'4 with osteoporosis at 16

Yeah, I was just in Italy for vacation over Summer, and I felt normal height which was nice. Why did they fucking shoot up so much in just a few years? What changed?
Well, I wish they started doing that earlier so I'd be taller.

Better nutrition and probably all the growth hormones pumped into the meat and water from plastics.

>6'4 with osteoporosis at 16
Worth it.

Do you really think the nutrition is better today? There's a lot more junk food available

>brother's friends are all taller than me
>he's shorter than me
it is over for me, it never began for him

The nutrition didn't get better in just the past few years dude, there's no way that is the cause. Has to be increased growth hormones.

But your bones will break with one punch from a 5 foot tall mexican midget.

I was brought up on organic stuff when that was still a rare sight here. So I guess I'm just normal. I'm as tall as my dad.

I feel like many zoomers, especially the tall ones, look way out of proportion. Feel like those zoomers are also a bit... slow. As if, and I don't mean to spin some thread here, there was actually contamination in meat and drinking water by steroids or growth hormones.

Is this some American joke I don't understand?
I'm 29, 6'2 and I don't think I've ever seen a zoomer out-tall me

you're a zoomer though no duh

Listen, I get you just came here to brag about your height because it is your only source of self worth, but I'll still reply nonetheless. You are tall, so most people won't be taller than you.

I'm a zoomer and I'm 5'6.. white too which makes it even worse...

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They've got a really weird distant stare they do. It's not like how retards stare but it's close to it.

What is your ancestry? Did you get enough nutrients, exercise, and sleep during puberty?

6,4 and I mog the zoomzooms in my cunt. Agree that they are taller than my gen though

I'm an Indian American zoomer and 6'2"
ZVVMERS are literally an evolved version of humanity

its literally just incels seething they saw a person taller than them

it's from being glued to a screen since they were an infant

It's not even a full generation in my experience. I'm 22, and 16 year olds are noticeably taller on average than people my age. Just half a decade has made a noticeable difference, and the only explanation I can think of is that HGH is being given to them through hidden means.

Just German and yeah I ate good. My dad's 5'10, mom's 5'1, and my mother's father was 5'6

I need dis

Men should never marry short women, it'll doom their sons.

You got your mom's genes. Your dad's average but your moms 4inches below average.

Agreed. Fml man

Yeah and she wonders why I'm not dating