
Champa edisyon

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This jenglot made my weewee hard back then

Attached: 1612955733010.jpg (640x480, 209.66K)

chud posts incoming

For me, its

Attached: 2ltZ3NyYy5iYWlkdS5jb20vZm9ydW0vcGljL2l0ZW0vYTA4Yjg3ZDYyNzdmOWUyZjA4ZmIyMDRhMWYzMGU5MjRiOTk5ZjNhMS5qcGclog.png (900x1053, 341.97K)


having a coconut ice cream

Attached: 1646492041550.jpg (420x560, 90.32K)


Attached: 1655086965472.png (729x1024, 1.17M)

Attached: 23524774.png (1654x2339, 2.43M)

I want to learn mandarin

Attached: 31jipuo2j3c61.jpg (1029x1016, 96.05K)

Right after my russian language learning, it's on the list.

>Right after my russian language learning, it's on the list.

Attached: vgh.jpg (1000x667, 93.35K)

Lapar gan

coming adventure
study vietnamese language at Hanoi Uni. during the last months of pregnancy of the wife.

champa koli

anime is not for browns

would have he been cancelled today?

Attached: 1654261831648.webm (640x492, 1.92M)

Vietnam is and will always remain base

say that again when globohomo fully invade your cunt.

How much is 22000 dong?

They tried back in the 50s

Equal to almost 1 USDick