Brazilians eat this at least every week

Brazilians eat this at least every week

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Canadians eat american foreskin at least every week

can confirm. hehe

looks delicious

It's not much of a staple

it's like a reverse taco... absolutely genius. i don't understand why brazil has never won a Nobel Prize.

this deserves to win a prize!

I have never eaten that and have no idea what it is.

looks Turkish, I'm sure there's a Turkish recipe just like that (and one with eggplant)


What is this?

No, really. It might have something to do with the fact that I've maybe left my house a total of 20 times in the last 3 years

No not that often.

Can confirm. If we slow our shipments for even two days they'll flood over our northern border and wipe us out before snatching up our babies and sucking off their foreskins raw.

Thats abobrinha with carne moída

Want some real brazilian dish?

actshually its abobrinha recheada

Very regional, not from mine region, ahhh...

Abobrinha recheada.
O recheio é carne moída refogada misturada com o miolo do legume, temperos e vai tudo no forno com queijo em cima.

I've eaten this since I was a kid but I've never seen it as a staple or regional dish anywhere here.

Explained, OP, Is from one region of Brazil very particular

Do they eat it up in the Northeast or something? Eu vivo no Rio de Janeiro e nunca vi alguém comendo esse negócio.

I am from country of São Paulo, here is not strange eat capybara, but in other states they would find strange

I've never seen it before.
Isso é comum em algum canto do país?
Nunca vi aqui no interior de SP

Me too, I never see it