Wtf was his problem?

Wtf was his problem?

Attached: falling down.jpg (500x749, 55.15K)

You ever tried being a white man in the United States?


Work fucking sucks dude

He did everything that was asked and expected of him only to be shoved aside and societally castigated.

All of the breakfast items he wanted were right there in the hopper but Rick was a power hungry petty dictator flaunting his power. Bill was right to put him in his place.

koreans and mexicans keep messing him about

He just wanted to go home

The good guys have won the cold war, yet he is still miserable

literally me

Vanity license plate indicate he was closet gay and pining for butt-love

He fell down.

the film was directed by a gay man and michael douglas is a gay jew in real life

You would know if you were middle class white man in a western country.

D-Fens was unemployed. Try watching the movie next time, brainiac.

The bad guys won WW2 and the cold war. The (((communists))) won in the end. The Soviet Union was just a vessel.

then why he dress up all gay like some office drone?

He wanted breakfast.

McDonald's stopped serving their breakfast even though it was still within the time.

Fuck off and watch the film.

suck my balls nigger

since the first industrial revolution, labor has been guided by a very powerful logic of consumption. this means that the goal is mere blind production of things, without the possibilty of a historical/ethical sharing of the meaning of the products of labor.
the current result is the modern workplace, where workers are no longer true subjects but mere machines at the service of the means/end scheme that is contemporary society
that was his problem

>racism outside of Any Forums
You've done it this time . . .

my superior white genes will shield me from the janny's wrath

i think they shitcanned that janny. dude was overcompensating for something

He was larping, watch the movie.

Every beta white male eventually snaps some way, either killing spree, suicide, trooning, MGTOW etc

the combination of submissively doing what they've told all their life while being hated and disrespected becomes too much