With 8 months over and 4 more to go, how are your new year's resolutions going?

With 8 months over and 4 more to go, how are your new year's resolutions going?

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This time it will be different.

Bruh I was scraping off company´s commercial tape during new years eve with a 1 inch blade and gasouline based liquid, didn´t celebrate the whole thing coz I was just glad to sleep at home. I didn´t have a fucking resolution.

Anyway I first worked 4 months of 2022, then took 1 month of vacation, then I worked 3 months and have 2 week transfer time into another place for work and paperwork.

I´m not really satisfied, sacrificed some relationships to corporations and now when the exchange is complete, i am 5% more suit and 5% less human. I feel tired, grinded and unentertained.

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I wasted a lot more than just 8 months of this year. Basically my entire life has been a waste that hasn't amounted to anything.

What ???
This year was far better with being able to travel and party.

Nothing changed like always.

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I don't do any 'New year resolutions'. However my life has been getting better and better since 2021.

You seem to be a weed. The studio behind Clannad got burned by arsonist and Shinzo Abe got shot from behind by schizo with a self made gun. The Covid 19 is almost over.
Russia started war with Ukraine, which is affecting world economy. Prices of food and gas are going up thanks to covid.

Those would be the major changes.

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*weeb. shit.

>The studio behind Clannad got burned by arsonist
That was like 2019 bro.


>Finally free of college after years in NEET limbo thanks to Covid
>Trying to get my life on track again
>Got into creative writing
>Began to have an interest in cultivating mushrooms and maybe try to make a legit business out of it

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>how are your new year's resolutions going?

I completely forgot what they are so thats something at least

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My real life hasn't started yet

It´s still new to me just like Van Halens death... why time goes so fast

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I don't do new year's resolutions but my plans, despite late from schedule, have mostly succeeded and most importantly I have a very good degree now. Feels good that those years are bearing fruit

Congrats user

thank you, feels good man, we made it user

Started learning German this year and it's going pretty good.
Worked for 2 months and made money to last me for the entire year, travelled a lot, drove around 10k kilometers going town to town, spent 2 weeks in beaches.
But no pussy. Nothing. Every tinder date was a fucking disappointment.


I fucked this broad whos an absolute whore. Getting tested for STDs soon. Pray for me bros