How do krauts cope with pic related? I couldn't imagine my country losing 50% of it's land

How do krauts cope with pic related? I couldn't imagine my country losing 50% of it's land.

Attached: Germany_losses.jpg (1536x1157, 244.03K)

That's 1/3 at most

They lost 34% not 50%. Don't they do math lessons in shartistan?

It can be rounded up to 50

My grandparents still get worked up about it but those lands are only really important to Ultranationalists. Most of the ethnic german Heimat is still in germany with only bits of France and Belgium fucking it up. Those lands were only germanised during the dreng nach osten and are historically Kashubian. Do miss Schlesien and Prussia but it's impossible to get any of that land back without inhuman actions.

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German people are too intelligent to care about nationalism

Thank god they took this land away from nazis then

They had a clear shot during ww2, they just missed it

It's not as bad as losing your foreskin, you cripple dicked subhuman

this is my opinion as well
those eastern areas weren't core German territory, but it was still a huge loss
most normies don't give a shit at all
*too cucked

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Ehrm, no

Yeah thet were not core bust still the result of a mostly pacific colinization and expansion. Ww1 and 2 are a 700 years setback for the germans

yes, that's why I said it was still a massive loss
but this nation is doomed anyway, the lost territories are the least of our concerns

Germany has the same borders as when I was born

Same as everywhere else in Europe...

Manche leute denken wirklich, ich werde mit Wojtek sterben, um einen HOI4-Screenshot zu bekommen

I mean the local cultures from there are now all either dead or almost dead. It's sad but if we ever got it back the only thing we could do is replace the generic russian and generic polish culture that is now there with a generic german one.
So there is no point in worrying about it beyond keeping the knowledge of the cultures that used to be there.

Touch grass, nazis.

The chance is 100.0% here and in any other European city, sounds like you're the one who should touch grass.

>very small
Have you been to Europe lately? Like every western European capital is native minority at this point

>be poland
>get invaded and raped by all sides
>end war with more land than you started with
How the hell?

Poland is an artificial state, created to weaken Germany

Why do you bite the worst baits. I really need to leave....

I think they had technically less. Stalin gave the former German lands to compensate for the large amount of lands taken from Poland and given to Belarus and Ukraine.

it was larger before, but the areas it gained from Germany were more developed and worth more
also it became ethnically homogenous after the war which it hadn't been before (large Jewish, Ukrainian, Belarusian minorities)

Attached: borders1939_today.jpg (500x426, 46.46K)

well it only took 100 years. compare to Israel...

>be Iran
>create a highly advanced civilization
>get invaded by illiterate bedouins and camel shepherds and adopt their religion
>after 1500 years claim you're a more faithful worshipper of Arab religion than Arabs

>end war with more land than you started with
that's just wrong

It do be like that. Most young people today don't really care about religion THOUGH.

Why would you care about muh land in 21st century? Germans have a lot to improve inside the land they already own, also apparently it's still underpopulated if they import so many immigrants so they don't need any more land

>also apparently it's still underpopulated if they import so many immigrants
Western Europe is among the most densely populated areas in the world, being underpopulated is not the reason.

we don't need immigrants because the population density is too low (it's not) but because most Germans are boomers that didn't have enough children