Is it true that they have a huge Russian minority?

Is it true that they have a huge Russian minority?
How do they get along?

Attached: Baltic-Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania.jpg (1601x1600, 217.45K)

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Latvia does. They're basically abos. Can't communicate in human language, refuses to work, spend all day huffing gas and drinking.

Damn, are they really that bad? My perception was that Russians are melancholic people with deep sole who write books like crime and punishment

Latvia and Estonia are 24% Russian (who are responsible for like 90% of the crime, drug abuse and aids in these countries) Lithuania is 5% Russian which is still a shitton but compared to their neighbors they got off lightly

I don't understand their policy with treating Russians as non-citizens. Wouldn't it make sense to give them EU passports and let them go to Sweden, Germany or anywhere?

tis not true for litvanija, only for other 2 baltic shit holes

As far as I know russhit could become a citizen, only thing they have to do is pass the tests, but they don't want to.

Why do you hate your own people?

Estonia is a quarter Russian

But still wouldn't it be smarter to give them the passports, free one-way train tickets to Germany and instruction in Russian how to apply for Hartz IV and Kindergeld?

Lol, I have nothing in common with this "people"
They're free to leave to russia

They are Russians under NATO occupation, Putin will liberate them soon

Imagine if they had the right to vote... Goodbye EU and NATO. Estonia and Latvia would be Moldova v2 then.

Most of them speak Russian.

During soviet times a lot of Russian migrated to Estonia and Latvia. At the same time a lot of the locals were gulaged in the 45s.
So yeah there's strong russian minority there.

I think they already have free movement within EU, and as a bonus they get visa free travel to Russia.

>the locals were gulaged in the 45s
Mostly germans though

You know, I've recently realized that Russians do, in fact, assimilate to an extent. The main thing is that they must not congregate together. There must be no big Russian neighbourhoods, Russians need to be mixed in with the Estonians, then they'll start assimiliating a bit, speaking the language, denouncing Russian imperialism, etc.
The Russians who have lived their lives in Russian communities, in Tallinn or Narva, naturally do not assimiliate they are those whose loyalty to Estonia is questionable.
Personally, I love nothing more than a non-vatnik Russian who can speak the local language.

Ah yes, all those german farmers... lmao