American fantasy characters

>American fantasy characters

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>This is considered as thin and unrealistic beauty standards in America

if only

they took this from us

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>literally a fantasy world
>no you can't add black characters because it's not historically accurate
do chudcels really?

>Keep the line pure, your grace

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>whitest person in london

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Das hip be hella juice man

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It's about respect the oringinal lore, tranny

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In a fantasy world everyone should be handsome and beautiful until stated specifically otherwise.
Therefore fantasy movies and shows not only should not cast black people as they are all ugly but also ugly whites until being ugly is a particular trait of a character. Simple as that.

>those yellow eye lens

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This show is directed by Brits and most of the actors are British

golden powder on the fingers just in case the 50000 pieces of jewelry were too subtle


Why would you deliberately cast ugly or unpleasant people.

So the ugly and unpleasant people would watch it

makes me so mad i get a sudden urge to kill ukranians and landgrab my neighbors. fucking jews

GoT shit the bed but at least they had people with different skin tones be from different regions.

Not anymore. They made one of the blood purity autism families black and now we have to dance around the absurdity and pretend it makes sense.

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they could have just made black people Haradrim which would have goven them complete creative control and been intriguing and could have seen the blue wizards but we got this

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