Any kinos featuring weird religious practices?

Any kinos featuring weird religious practices?

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Can't wait to ban circumcisions.

Imagine the kvetching.

Why are Democrats, Liberals, Leftists, socialists, progressives, SJWs, Antifas, communists, all other types of Leftwingers I haven't mentioned, and satanists all on the same side on this issue?

Is it a Far Right conspiracy theory?

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Any Forums doesn't care about abortion. our seeds are never entering any women's vaginas

Laws against murder violate Mayan's right to a human sacrifice ritual.

Nobody is against jews aborting, I'd even paid for it myself

>Old Testament says God loves abortions
>Christians and Muslims outlaw abortions
films for Jews are the only ones who actually follow their religious texts?

Nothing was banned tho

It's banned just like in Catholicism, actually Judaism is more anti-woman than Catholicism

The programmers are laughing at you

How hard is it to keep your legs closed you privileged hags. Little girls in Africa are getting their clits removed and forced to marry men, go cry about that.

>Just a friendly reminder that you have dual-citizenship with Israel and are free to leave whenever you wish.

A dead person or a gun have more rights than a woman in the US.

They deserve less

Get a vasectomy then, chud.

The Ritual. Could have been better directed, but the idea is kino.

You probably believe this.

Dilate, I see straight through you

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tie your tubes first, think of the CO2 we'd save

Because those people have a lot of sex, whereas people on the far right are all incel losers

coupon sisters...

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Lol you surrendered your hiipa rights to globohomo over a literal cold virus.

Are abortions actually part of Judaism?

no fucking way there's no way they make fucking coupons