You are now aware of the existence of srilanka. the oldest continuous buddhist country in the world. i am sorry

You are now aware of the existence of srilanka. the oldest continuous buddhist country in the world. i am sorry.

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Does sri lanka mean something in English? Just curious

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means something like "great island"

Makes sense, thank you sir

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Why are you sorry?

Have you all starved yet?

I have had sex with 2 sri lankan girls

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Why isn't it called Serendip anymore?

were they pretty?

yes very

For me it's Ceylon

harder to pronounce. same with "ceylon" it takes too many characters to write.

Every tamil I've met was a wigger. Why did you send them all here?

I was always aware of Sri Lanka.
I would love to visit it one day.

In Utah we have this goofy fat polynesian news reporter named Big Budah. It never occured to me he could be considered offensive in some way until now.

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yes I have been to your country
how is it going, have you accepted Wickwarananga as your president now? can the new PM fix things?

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>Why did you send them all here?
well, you accepted them so...
thanks israel chad
>can the new PM fix things?
he is only a puppet of the last government sadly, the cabinet and parliament is still the same and there lies the real problem

I know some sri lankans and they're all nice. They're christian THO

Why are Sri Lankans and South Indians so much more civilised than us northiggers? I blame brutal islamic invasions for fucking our brains and making us uncivilised and prone to chimp outs. India need cultural revolution to be more like Sri Lanka.

you get fairer skin so it's a worthwhile tradeoff,no?

it literally translates to "see the length", penis worship was the historic island passtime.