Why do Indians drive like this?

Why do Indians drive like this?

Attached: yYxRQu6.gif (480x320, 1.91M)

They got cars before first forming a functional civilization

That seemed deliberate, looks like some assblasted spoiled richfag who ran away with daddy's car

This is also from India

Attached: GrimyFlakyGoldenmantledgroundsquirrel-max-1mb.gif (240x138, 278.79K)

Why are people riding in the middle of the road?

Looks like three cars were involved. The car on the right lane tried to merge to the middle lane but there was already a car there. Middle lane car saw what was happening and swerved so he wouldn't get hit. To bad, middle car actually did get hit but it was the van on the left. If anything, I'm surprised the guy on the motorcycle survived.

Unlike America, Indians can't afford separate bike lanes

>Why are people riding in the middle of the road?
I heard once in a documentary that a lot of places in india have no rules for roads so they basically Carmageddon their way through the country.

This, and
You are supposed to drive slowly and carefully in India, the driver was at fault here

Life imitates memes

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>separate bike lanes

A challenger appears

Attached: 1657036971628.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

>Someone had to animate this with a straight face
What's this from LMAO?

Sad ;(

Directed by M.Night Shamwow.

Is he OK?

He just merged without looking

>Cars don't burst into flames
>Most probably the driver survived
If that had happened in China, the whole road would have been into flames with all cars exploding and people dying by the dozens.

>randomly brings up China
lol still not redeeming your gift cards rajeesh

Was the van just not paying attention and saw the guy at the last second before panicking left?

texans be like "these frozen roads are too spicy"

Attached: 1613274334797.webm (480x853, 2.43M)

The weak should fear the strong

There's a bridge joint in the middle of the road. It got caught on the undercarriage of the car or fucked up the wheels or something, sending it into the wall and the other car

nigger pay attention, literally tells you at the beginning and the end

>All five people in the two vehicles wore seat belts and only suffered minor injuries.
