Tfw you murder after realizing murder is wrong

>tfw you murder after realizing murder is wrong

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He didn’t realize murdering was wrong that moment he realized he was murdering a good dude and not some monster he created in his head.

he chunky

>We must EAT the Fatman

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Oh shit that makes sense. Superman had parents. So Batman decided to never kill people with kids or who had parents that would potentially mourn them...and he definitely did not do this in a warehouse...

He had to save Superman’s mother, couldn’t waste time

Ah yes 20 year Batman is incapable of keeping a time limit while getting shot at
And this is "peak" Batman to sneedershits?

there's a difference between killing someone who is ultimately beaten and defenceless in cold blooded rage and killing people who are trying to kill you in the heat of the moment

also batman fans who cry and shit their pants at the thought of batman killing under any circumstance ever are the biggest faggots ever

Can you imagine Rob trying to run at this beefcake? I love our man pats but he would be destroyed

That’s not the point. Again, Superman = good. Thugs = bad. Batman was trying to murder a good guy which made him the bad guy.

user he obviously doesn't think Batman should kill so arguing is pretty pointless

I don't understand HOW he is the most liked batman. General audiences are beyond shallow and deserve the shit we get fed today.

Damn. He thicc.

That's tfw you are just ate all the catering at the Iceberg Lounge by you're still a hungry fat fuck

Affleck would clearly get gassed. I wonder how many bat claws his fat ass broke.

what's the consensus on the length of the bat ears? is Any Forums in favor of short and stubby like batfleck? or long and pointy like clooneyfleck?

murdered who?
the flame-thrower guy?
it was that or let Martha Kent die

shit needs another trilogy where he finds out murder is bad
we can have a pivotal moment where he realizes murdering people is what happened to his parents and that will make him stop murdering

I'm gonna make a BVS is kino thread soon.

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He blew up everyone in the cars

I'll be waiting

He killed an innocent truck driver during his Batmobile rampage.

It seemed like that scene was meant for earlier in the movie then they just reworked it with supermans mom in there