Why do 4chanlets pretend the world hates America and loves Russia?

Why do 4chanlets pretend the world hates America and loves Russia?

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>Spring 2015

Vietnam likes everyone :)

one "mexican" and one "brazilian" poster who constantly ztard every time there's a russia thread outweigh your puny data

It's gotten a lot worse since then.

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What has Petro said on the invasion of Ukraine? Is he a Zchud?

>Russia against

jordan hates everyone, based

Turkey tends to hate everyone on national surveys like this, it's weird
>Turks have extremely negative opinion of...Mexico

dumb putinbot

they seem cool, not holding grudges is a chad move

nothing, we have our own fish to fry, but no one here supports the Russia or the invasion, chuds idolized putin but his standing has gone down since he's essentially been emasculated. he left fell out of love with Russia in the 70s

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>killed milliions mooslims
>forced europe to accept millions of mooslim refugees
>goaded russia into war
>forced wbole of europe into energy poverty and rampant inflation
Why would i hate USA?

and which third world shithole do you hail from my swarthy friend?

>and which third world shithole do you hail from my swarthy friend?

Because a website notorious for liars and incels isnt real life

Well the last 2 Filipino presidents won on the Anti-American ticket so...

Attached: Duterte and Xi Jinping.jpg (899x677, 53.61K)

Proxy and VPN. Unplug the retarded AIDS cattle from the internet and you'll see the real situation.

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It's a question of the sample.
What kind of people visit Any Forums?
The politically disenfranchised or extreme. The mentally ill. The confused and rebellious teen.
All of these are fertile ground for a perspective or movement which presents itself as going against the mainstream, presenting a secret truth.

>the opinions of incels and social rejects from Any Forums can be extrapolated to normies
what do you expect?

the entire world hates us... we have lost... what will us, Russians, ever do if Colombians, Britbongs, Jipjaps and amerimutts don't like us... vgghhhhh
Cкopo зa тoбoй пpидём, cвинopылый. Кaк в бyчe тeбя вздёpнy.

I don't understand the language of pigs, communicate in human language, pidorashka.

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Кaкoвo тeбe ocoзнoвaть, чтo из 40 миллиoнoв нaceлeния твoeй cтpaны 15-17 миллиoнoв этo мyжчины, из кoтopых чacть - cтapики, дeти и инвaлиды, a дpyгaя, здopoвaя чacть, ceйчac дoхнeт кaждый дeнь пaчкaми нa фpoнтe? Bы oт этoй вoйны yжe нe oпpaвитecь. Baшa экoнoмикa бyдeт yничтoжeнa, cкoлькo кpeдитoв вaм бы вaши гocпoдa нe пpeдocтaвляли. Baш гeнoфoнд бyдeт yничтoжeн. И кaк нaция вы бyдeтe нa ypoвнe pyмынoв "cyщecтвoвaть". Moжeшь пocтить мeмecы, нo зaвтpa, кoгдa тeбe пpилeтит Кинжaл в дoм, тeбe yжe бyдeт нe дo этoгo. Или кoгдa зa тoбoй пpидyт из вoeнкoмaтa и oтпpaвят вoeвaть c кaдыpoвцaми или кaлмыкaми, кoтopыe тeбя яйцa oтpeжyт, cвинья.