Why women make themselves ugly for no reason?

why women make themselves ugly for no reason?

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idk, i hate women


Not even with a dyke haircut she’s ugly

This is how they avoid being raped.

if they classic type normie women they go bimbo mode with bogpilled look
if they alternative artsy type girl they dye their hair with shitty colors, cut shitty styles, do shitty makeups and dress like hobo etc.

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think how much it would actually suck to be an attractive woman, but not a poor attractive woman, think of an attractive woman with a rich dad
think of just how disgusted you would be by the constant infinite oceans of thirsty men everywhere you go
now, poor women might need disgusting men for money, but think about being a rich and attractive young woman

im not a woman btw, i have a beard and balls and own a toolbox and do push ups and all that, i merely had this one moment of post coom clarity

yeah but look 10/10 with natural looks
why? isn't most of women have rape fantasies?

It's a Western thing, you wouldn't understand.

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this type ruining is western type yeah. but in the east our, balkan etc. women bogpilled as fuck and ruining their looks with rhinoplasty, lip filling, fake tits and believe this operations makes them "attractive". lmao.

Right just looks depressed

after that she told bisexual identity and went full globohomo mode. yeah it makes people depressed.


actors and artists do this to distinguish themselves. same reason why zoomer trappers intentionally try to be as ugly as possible

There's nothing ugly about short hair.

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she just looks better with original color long hair

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Maybe, maybe not. I just prefer short haircuts if they fit, and in this case it seems to be alright.

can she pass as native local in the russia? if yes which region(s)?


she will somehow realize how she went wrong, then get their style back again. Her life too.
Beautiful people can get their old beautiy back again if they want to.

which regions?

She needed BBC here

It's easier to blend in in largest cities where lots of mixed and foreign people can be

aslında bu kız bize veya başka ülkelere güzel geliyorda amerika, kanada ve avustralya gibi yerlerde averaj diyolar sürekli buradakiler.
i saw a lot of russian tourists but never see a girl somewhat looks like her. she is too western for me and i can only imagine her in usa, uk, ireland, canada or australia


bana büLe kız lazım oqLim

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LOOOOOOOL only incels in this thread, Women are always beautiful no matter what.

I disagree. Today I saw four women , three of them were participating in a fire show. The least interesting one was their aidee of some sort. But the most beautiful was the short little tomboy, or at least that was her public image .
I expect to see her on the next show and maybe get to chat a little more than I could
