How would you fix The Prequels

Threads been done 1000 times, obviously there is the bones of a good trilogy here. What would you cut out and add and fix to tie it all together into pure kino?

Attached: star-wars-prequel-trilogy.jpg (1000x563, 113.52K)

I love these movies and think they're great as they are. In terms of "polish" idk maybe:

>Anakin a bit older in TPM so the story makes more sense
>less CGI and more practical FX throughout
>Flesh out Anakin's fall a little more, it feels kind of rapid in the final 1/3rd of ROTS

Some people complain about the dialogue and acting but I genuinely believe it's the exact same style as the OT. People just forget that a classic was once cheesy too.

I should have specified redditors not to reply

user, you're asking for opinions and discussion of the prequels. Only redditors like them.

More Based Windu

Cut out everyhing besides Portman and Jar-Jar Bings.

You are not some edgy anti-Disney warrior for liking the prequels. Disney bought them. Disney is airing a show that serves as a sequel to them. Disney wants you to like the prequels.

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Get Lars Von Trier to direct it, duh

Perfection cannot be fixed.

They're legitimately fine. Make the dialogue a little snappier, edit it a little, iron out some of the cringe, that's it.

Attached: Mr. Garibaldi please!.jpg (1024x576, 39.97K)

I'd just add stuff from Republic comics.


By making completely different movies.
It's not some shitty backstory to the OT but some kind of story that happened ages earlier to people unrelated to OT's characters.
This way, even if they were shit movies, they wouldn't ruin the OT like prequelshit did

Shot on film like TPM, no kids, no goofy side-characters.
Darth Maul survives up to the last movie.

>$0.02 have been deposited in your account

Nothing. They’re perfect. Perfect writing perfect acting perfect set pieces perfect choreography
Disney wars has too much going on
OT has shit memes and is boring and doesn’t even have WARS

Jar Jar should have a bigger role, and his own lightsaber. I want an extensive battle sequence of CGI ewoks fighting alongside the Wookies on Endor. Darth Maul should construct IG-88.

1. Have the story be about Anakin's fall to the dark side (explain why it happened).
2. Make a movie and not an ILM demo. Not everything has to be CGI.

>1. Have the story be about Anakin's fall to the dark side (explain why it happened).
This is what happened

by who nigga?

Nope. Anakin's fall happened between Episodes I and II. In Episode I he's just some boy. In Episode II he hates the Jedi, Obi Wan, and democracy and thinks fascism is great. Then he kills innocent women and children. What happened to that boy? No idea. Instead we sort of get to see how Palpatine managed to become emperor.

Serious answer: just have Hayden Christenson play Anakin in all three films, and make Padme less nothing. She doesn't have to be Leia, at least make her kind of fun and sexy. Not just nothing

>innocent women and children

I would get rid of weird jarring shit like r2 and c3p0 just happening to be related to the plot, and jar jar binks.
Limit the use of CGI particularly for sets and people, which now only serves to look dated. Phantom Menace used cgi pretty well.
Cut a lot of the romance plot and, I’ll fucking say it, find a better actor to play anakin.
Would make the jedi less campy and more monastic, and turn dooku into a more tragic figure who actually serves as a notable cause for a civil war to begin around.
Make the clone wars actually more about clones fighting clones desu.
I would make obi wan that main character and give him a personal subplot of attempting to uncover the sith conspiracy throughout each movie.

This all said i have come to enjoy the prequels for what they are.

According to Anakin himself, yes.

First episode: get rid of the lollygagging. They had somewhere to be, and they decide to watch some pod race. Almost everything else, I can accept.