What does Any Forums think of The Inbetweeners? Is it a modern British comedy classic?

What does Any Forums think of The Inbetweeners? Is it a modern British comedy classic?

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yeah i loved it. Don't know about classic but we're unlikely to see another show like it.

it's the most accurate portrayal of life as a high school teenager in mid-2000s uk that we're ever likely to get

It's one of the only accurate depictions of what it's like to be a teenage boy. Normally things like this are either really sentimentalized or demonize boys. The Inbetweeners depicts the boring weird reality, of social anxiety and an obsession with wanking that defines adolescence.

Who was in the wrong here?

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Will made a very good point.

Nothing like it will ever be made again. I was the same age as them as the same time but didnt watch it until a few years after. Some of my mates just can't revisit it because it's so accurate to our adolescent lives in the UK.

Take that away, it's still a laugh every couple of minutes. The characters are slightly exaggerated to the perfect intersecting degree of humour and plausibility. All the main people are memorable and for us brits, we've all done or tried to do most of the shit they tried to do, and everyone failed spectacularly. That's the beauty and ugliness of youth captured perfectly. It will never be beaten for that.

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Except for the fact they’re in 6th form but act much younger. They’ve never smoked and they get drunk like 13 year olds do. The majority of 16 year olds have more interests (whether it’s music, sport or anything else), more experience with alcohol and drugs and are in every way are more mature. Really funny show but not accurate at all when you look at how old they’re supposed to be.

A literally perfect depiction of life of teenage boys in Europe. It had all, the underage drinking, the first car which at that age is like a private jet, awkward encounters with girls, actors who are actually teens.

Unlike american shows in which 30 year olds are playing teenagers and are sex gods.

I loved it. So happy the movies gave a satisfying conclusion that was also open ended. Not very social, but I have had enough "guy experiences" to relate to some of the show's antics.

>Except for the fact they’re in 6th form but act much younger. They’ve never smoked and they get drunk like 13 year olds do. The majority of 16 year olds have more interests (whether it’s music, sport or anything else)
Because they're not meant to be normalfags, they're "inbetweeners", failed normies basically who are trying to be cool but don't fit in with the actual social elite of their sixth form.

>actors who are actually teens
All the actors were in their early 20s.

beat me to it.

Not only that but 16 year olds come in many flavors of retarded. I'm not even a bong and saw what they were getting at.

Hmm, yeah no. I was very low tier in a low tier school. It was Devon in the 90s and I was one of the less mature ones (other than the real idiots). Perhaps we were just better then and then.

Holy shit, I actually thought they were teens. At least they look like it.

That's why they were cast.

The actors are awkward looking enough (not attractive awkward) to make it work. The only sign that threw me off was Will's chest hair

I knew unifags that acted like that. It's a really specific group but a recognizable one.

not all teens are low test hairless twinks

Top Tier
>Rachel (Carli's brunette friend)
>Hannah Fields (Simon's handjob valentine)
>Big Kerry (Tara's thicc friend)
>"Punk Girl" (Caravan Club)
>Daisy (Will's babysitter)

Mid Tier
>Lauren (Irish girl on field trip)
>Becky (Simon's Caravan club girl)
>Chloe (Jay's gf)
>Lucy (Simon's vacation gf)
>Jane (Jay's fat vacation gf)
>Alison/Katie (Will's twin vacation oneitises)

Low Tier
>Heike (sick Dutch exchange)
>Katie (Neil's sister)
>Lisa (Neil's vacation doppelganger)
>Sophie (Tara's sister)
>Samantha (Jay's DJ doppelganger)
>Susie (redhead geek who skipped grades, and dated Neil)