1.5 milion of Western Europeans like Spanish, Southern Frenchs, Italians...

1.5 milion of Western Europeans like Spanish, Southern Frenchs, Italians, even the British were sold as slave after kidnapped by barbarian pirates.

Most of them couldn't pat for their body and lived as sexual slave or pirate ship rower until they die in the Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, and Turkey etc Ottoman Turk territory.

Eastern Europe were even worst than this, 2 ~ 2.5 million Eastern Europeans like Ukrainians, Russians, Polish, Romanians, Bulgarians most of them were girls and they were kidnapped and than sold as slave in Anatolia.


Attached: Tyrkjaránið.png (935x663, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:

tellerreport.com/news/2021-01-24- ---al-bey-ahmed-pasha-preceded-western-countries-----175-years-after-the-abolition-of-slavery-in-tunisia --.r1IDtlbjy_.html


"A few ships were coming from the opposite direction, but these were different ships. It was not like our fishing boats or the ships of other northerners. They had Star and Crescent on their banners. When ships came a little closer, and all of sudden, all hell broke loose. For a moment I thought Ragnarok had begun. Sounds like thunder came from everywhere. Everything started to collapse. Was the god Odin sending his wrath on us? But this wasn't Odin, it couldn't be. Odin was not that cruel. Why would he do this to his own children? We started praying to all our Gods in vain. The apocalypse continued. After while the sounds stopped. Monsters came from the smoke with their swords and they carrying a weapon they called rifle. The monsters had a different helmet on their heads. Most of them were beardless and had mustaches. They were walking slowly. They pass by the wounded ones but do nothing to them. One with a beard and wearing a different hood was pointing and saying something to the people next to him. I guess this should have been their king. Then they began to kill the wounded. Our men had weapons in their hands, but they did not have the courage to resist. The monsters didn't care. They lined up all the men and women. Then they took all the weapons we had. They stripped the men and women naked. They checked us for hours and took notes. They placed some of us separately and tied our hands. A few hours later they put me and the other chosen ones on a boat.

We went to the place they call Cezayir(Algeria). They left some of us there and the rest went with me to a place called Constantinople. They sent a few of us to a place called Kefe. Here, the Tatar Khan made the men he took as servants in his palace. He took the women as concubines."

Attached: 2.png (1000x711, 1.82M)

"We are now in what they call the capital, Constantinople. Those who kidnapped us were called Turks. I am now a slave of a Turk in his house, but he treats me very well. I am well fed here. I also learned the Turkish language. There are hot water rooms. They call it hammam. Turks love it. They are constantly swimming in hot water. We northerners crave for hot water. Maybe we wash once a year, but Turks washed every day. Thanks to my owner, I also wash frequently. There is also such a thing as Coffee. Turks drink it a lot. I didn't like the taste at all. I don't understand how they enjoy this coffee. Turkish women are also very arrogant. There are definitely rings and earrings on them. They love to show off and they are very honest. They don't talk to men much, except for shopping, and women can go to court and divorce their husbands here if they wish. Apart from that, Turkish food is very delicious. I've gained weight since coming here. Lots of animals here too. I am generally interested in Turkish poultry. There is also a talking bird in the house. Parrot breed. I learned a lot of different kinds of animals here. My owner is Turkish, he gave the parrot a name. His name is Kamil. Do you believe? He talks like a human. The most frequently spoken sentence is "Long live the Sultan!" I had never seen or heard of anything like this in my life. If I tell you this in Scandinavia, no one will believe it. Perfectly attached to its owner like crazy. He does not live in a cage. He roams freely outside and comes back home again. I am just like Parrot Kamil. I don't have a collar around my neck, I don't have chains on my hands and feet. I can go out whenever I want. It's so easy to run away, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid to run away and I pray to the Gods every day. I don't know what happened to my family. I hope I can see them in Valhalla when I die. Where are Tyr and Thor? Why not save us! Great Gods! Hear my voice."


Attached: 3.png (399x600, 617.85K)

Is it true faggottry was common in ottoman empire? the reason why vlad dracula enjoyed impaling turks was because they molested him when he was in istanbul in his young age.

This is why colonialism was justified

Just banter innit

An ottoman poem dedicated to a Serbian boy:
"I saw a Serbian boy in the local hamam for the first time in my life yesterday, unfortunately, I could not approach him... He was with a Habeshi (Ethiopian/Sudanese) tellak which means he was owned by someone. Such beauties are very rare in Anatolia. "

"But I thought..."

"I thought how exciting it would be to talk to him, uncovering what made him as beautiful as he is. I thought about how nice it would be to learn about his life, and learn about the world I never saw."

"I pictured talking to him, eyes darting like those of a harem lady, looking anywhere else but in his eyes."

"I pictured myself carrying him like a sultan with ease, to a döşek (bed). I pictured myself, unclothing myself, and rubbing his silky-smooth pale skin with my rough, dark hands, and him, squirming sultana-like."

"I pictured him unclothing himself in a slow manner, drawing himself out, so I can have a good look at his body. "

"I imagined him slipping his hands under tuman (underwear), and jostling my manhood, rubbing his almost lady-like, pale fingers on the tip of my dark manhood."

"I imagined..."

"Unfortunately, my day-dream was interrupted by the tellak who poured the hot water on my head, may Allah curse him, for ruining the image of the beaut."

Attached: balkanoid and turk.png (514x700, 886.79K)

when did iceland become christian. It sounds like these people weren’t

colonialism against niggers and asians too?

Turks were never under colonialism, they were doing it kek.

Turkyie IS European

Yes Africans were very powerful back then

I got hard reading this

This is all revisionist fanfiction. Btw the actual chronicling priest’s 11 year old son was given to some high-ranking official as (presumably) a sex slave

Barbary pirates were mostly North Africans

>North Africans
approximately 10-30 million of Turkish origin people living in North Africa.


Attached: Kuloğlu.png (602x773, 194.25K)

>perpetually mald because EU won't let them in their "club"
it's ok little bro, instead of playing good guy in Russia's war, maybe you should just fuck off Cyprus, maybe we will let you in EU

no most barbary pirates were european and turk :

>"The captains, known as "barbarians", especially the most famous of them, the two Barbarossa brothers whose exploits have given rise to sinister chronicles and maintained so many legends, were not Moors from Africa, but, all or almost all, Turks and renegade Christians. The warriors, the janissaries in particular, came from the Mediterranean levant, from the countries conquered by the Turks in the Balkans, and the crews of the ships, the oarsmen of the galleys, were, for the most part, slaves, also Christians, captured at sea or on the coasts of Spain and Italy.

>"Their sailors and men-at-arms were, for many and often for the most part, from the Balkans - Albania especially - or from the recently subjugated Genoese and Venetian islands: renegades or taken by force and abducted at a very young age, torn from their families".

Yes, I believe the mothers/wives of at least 3 Beys of Tunis were Sardinian slave girls in the 19th century



tellerreport.com/news/2021-01-24- ---al-bey-ahmed-pasha-preceded-western-countries-----175-years-after-the-abolition-of-slavery-in-tunisia --.r1IDtlbjy_.html

Some male Sardinian slaves and renegades also rose up the ranks of the military and administration, such as the Bey of Tunis and Algiers Ramadan Pascià and the eunuch Hasan Agha


Both ruled in the 16th century

The grandfather of the former president of Tunisia was also a Sardinian slave

anatolian farmer bros..

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barbary pirates were mainly algerian/turkish/dutch