/mena/ شاشا

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kis oum socialisim

الفكرة هذي ما تجذب الشباب تنفع لعجوز او زاهد
التطور طبيعة الحياة حتى الاسلاميين يتطورون
مثل الي مقتنعين بالشورى كبديل للديمقراطية
لماذا انت مبعوص ؟

touch grass

What's an Alawite? Some native american tribe?

Hello it’s me from yesterday. I really did not want to start learning classic Arabic. However, the only Arab teacher in my area who’s in good repute is a Quranic Arabic teacher. Do I bite the bullet here and find someone else farther from me or take on the challenge?

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طيب الشورى لازم يعمل فيها الخليفة ولا يقدر يسحب عليها ؟
مختلف عليه.....

>لماذا انت مبعوص ؟
i want you to kill urself, ur alreahdy depressed and blame ur parntes and society for bieng a complete incle fag who doesn't leave his house, so fuck you that's why i hate liberals and leftist


The current ruling caste of Syria.

كعكة يالهم من حماركة

actualy a good peice on operation Barbarossa

How can MENA improve relations with East Asia? A friendship between the two regions would be kino.

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nafroids never get over their ww2 obsession phase, its the cringiest shit on earth, when i stumble upon a ww2 video in arabic and see the comments oof its embarrassing, they're like 12 year olds.

friendship and brotherhood through islam, they got some really cute woman, sad i can't post images, because mashriqa fags who take evrything srx

لا تخجل من زيارة الطبيب النفسي

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>check out sucide graph
ya am the one who need meds -_-

عادت الجامعات وعادت المعاناه

get a load of this fag, everything dpresses him

>كل الاعلام السعودية شخص واحد
ما هذا الهوس