
Why would you willingly make yourself feel like shit?

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not everyone is a carefree neet. most people live shitty lives working and need to get drunk every night

>get drunk just to feel like shit later
Nice logic retard

I always feel like shit

Liquor store clerk here. Pretty much this. Alcohol has been around since the middle ages, its just how most people manage.

It explains 4chans popularity

It's so fucking cash. It makes thing tolerable and funny. You can not be yourself and do retarded shit with retard level NPCs in the world. After a while it helps you sleep. But it worsens sleep quality, so you need more to sleep. And you keep going until the doctor tells you he has some really bad news based on your bloodwork.

its a choice of feeling lonely, sad and bored
or feeling great for a few hours, then having to basically lose the next day because of it (i just stay in bed until the hangover goes away)
tolerance sucks

much longer than that

Makes life interesting, feels good a lot of the time.
He fucked Elisabeth Shue, wrote for movies and had a pretty fun time in vegas even if it killed him, Take a look at your life and "all" the enjoyable memories and fun times you've had and realise how stark your existence is and don't lie because we both know you wouldn't be posting on a chinese cartoon forum about the motivations of a fictional character from a 25 year old movie if you were living it up.
Life sucks, the chance for a little bit of enjoyment is worth the inevitable suffering.

Yea, but I mean kids were drinking small beer in the middle ages more than water.

>getting hangovers
I honestly thought hangovers were a meme or just exaggerated, because I never get them. Only unhealthy degenerates get hangovers after drinking shitty cheap liquors and no water.

i already am

alcohol has been around as long as humans have user. some theories posit the desire for more alcohol as the motivation for the invention of agriculture

you wouldn't get it..

Alcohol has been around since the middle ages
Retard. There's a reason you're a store clerk

h-haha yeah

are you younger than mid twenties?

Im nearly 30

Alcohol is more a product of agriculture, it was a way to preserve grains/ fruit from going off so you'd still have sustenance over the off season

fuckin' oath

when you feel like shit it distracts your brain from focusing on how shit reality is. thats why i don't mind hangovers any more

It's been around since before humans. There are fruits that ripen and ferment on the vine and get animals drunk by eating them

Literally no joke but the year I turned 30 was the day the 2 day hangovers started. Then again I drink from 6PM to 2AM like a fucking champ so, you're probably talking about having 4 beers over 2 hours and like LOL NO HANG OVER BRO HASH TAG WINNING

I prefer MJ myself, but either way it just dulls the pain of existing for a little while.


You're drinking 3 drinks and wondering why you're not getting hangovers. I was drinking 15+ beers a night, every other night and I can tell you hangovers are indeed a real thing.

Me getting drunk is typically drinking an entire bottle of vodka or tequila over the course of a couple hours and then passing out a few hours later after a furious masturbation session

you're a retard if you do this

>feeling great for a few hours, then having to basically lose the next day because of it

This hits me so hard. I had a horrible break up which still haunts me. Basically me and her were always out and partying. One weekend I decide to take a break from partying and she cheats on me. So I had to overcompensate by partying every weekend in fears of missing life. That only meant that I literally lose precious weekends.


It makes you feel good first. Well, until it doesn't, and you need to drink just to feel "normal".

>Why would you willingly make yourself feel like shit?

Well, at a certain point, due to health reasons, I have to stop drinking.

t. 22 and has never had a BAC above 0.05

If you are not depressed right now about the state of our world you have low IQ. If you don't drink every single day because of this you have low IQ.

>kids were drinking small beer in the middle ages more than water.
Another myth. People werent stupid back then, they knew that alcohol was bad if used too much

how much do you weigh? and first of all, if you down an entire bottle and then dont drink anything else while whacking off and doing whatever for SEVERAL hours afterwards of course you're gonna be that fucked up. Go to sleep directly after finishing the bottle, wake up in the morning and then tell me about how you dont get hangovers.