Which one of these actors would you hang out with if you were forced to?

Which one of these actors would you hang out with if you were forced to?

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Jonah hill, without hesitation. Seth Rogen is just a hateful little yid. Jonah at least doesnt bring up how much he hates white people every 30 minutes.

Jonah Hill obv. Seth Rogan is a turbokike.

Jonah for sure, go surfing with the brahs. Smoke some ganj and go roll some jits after.

He's so fucking touchy and perceives everything as a slight. I agree but Jonah is no prize

Jonah Hill because he was in the Green Hornet and Donny Darko

The Jew on the right, because he hasn't displayed outward hatred towards whites the way the cancerous kike on the left has, so he would probably be better company.

This is such a shit scenario, it's like asking "would you rather get shot in the left hand, or shot in the balls 15 times"
Jonah is vaguely a cunt but Rogen is legitimately in the top ten biggest cunts to ever live

Jonah Hill is like a legit bro in some respects so he is the obvious choice. Seth Rogan is a fraud and a bore.

So why not hang out with Seth to tell him what a piece of shit he is to his face? We all know he reads these threads but wouldn't it be nice to say it to his face?

I feel like Seth and me share more interests, he’s undeniably a nerd. Jonah is a skater poser and wants to be a cool kid. But he’ll always be a plump Jewboy. He’s living a lie.

just make sure you're not french. jonah deserves better.

Because he will just dox you to his cohort mobsters and sue you into oblivion???

Jonah Hill

I am French and I also hate Ornella. I will redeem our nation for Americas Sweetheart Jonah Hill.


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Jonah Hill. Wow that sure was easy.

Is there anyone more unlikable than Seth Rogen?

I'm drawing a blank yet feel the answer will clearly be a woman

Because "hanging out" implies sharing time with people you would like to share time with, and that's not the case with Rogen.

The Canadian.

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>Which one of these actors would you hang?


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