Jeremy Renner biopic when

Jeremy Renner biopic when

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Can't believe you faggots fall for such obvious Ukrainian propaganda. This nigga was never in danger

Evacuated Jews then told Azov to kill any retreating goyim. Jewish run genocide of Ukrainians just like the holodomor. Google genrikh yagoda.

You'll get an American adaptation of Servant Of The People starring Pete Davidson, and you will like it

Shouldn't you be fucking your mates ass, vatpig?

This kike still hiding in Poland?

Looks like Psychicpebbles if he were a bloated alcoholic.

"How to lose half your country and launder millions: A Zelensky Story"

Using astroturfed IDF insults aren't a rebuttal.

>"your country"

What do I need to rebute from your retarded statement? Fuck zelensky and fuck you, dumb vatpig.

President Roosevelt under the Jewish influence of Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Col House, Felix Frankfurter, Brandeis and Jews who owned the Washington Post, NY Times and almost all of radio broadcasting to help bring about the greatest disaster ever to befall humanity, the Second World, which was provoked by Globalist Jews because of their hate for Germany, similar to the Jewish global supremacy that created the tragic unnecessary Ukraine War because of longstanding Jewish Hate of Russia and Russian People.
The war in Ukraine was provoked intentionally by the Global Zionist Elite that controls the key levers of the U.S. Government, Global Media and Global Banking who are fighting a proxy war against their ethnic Russian enemies with the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Ukraines and the risk of a new World War III

Yeah, let's not compare Russias situation to world War two Germany vatpig. Pretty sure your master would gulag you if he knew.

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>American adaptation of Servant Of The People starring Pete Davidson
>history subsequently repeats itself
we would deserve such punishment

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Ukraine is gay, Russia is gay and I hope they both manage to destroy each other somehow.

Who would play Putin?

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he looks like the guy that kills tony soprano

They should get that cuck guy (the assistant) from the Halo TV show

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looks like they reached a peace deal, thank god

Warwick Davis

In a motel room no less. I guess what I've been told about Ukrainians is true.

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Renner is blue-eyed non-jew, cast Seinfeld instead