Nature is healing

Nature is healing

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You know it's a good day for a celebrity when they're happy to notice the pedorazzi tailing them.


I cannot comprehend how fat people exist, it's so fucking easy to lose weight. Literally just put the fucking fork down and move around a little bit every day. Honestly if you're overweight still you deserve to be ridiculed publicly.

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I still like this look better

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Lol what a fat idiot.

His knees have bowed inwards due to lifetime obesity. If they didn't his proportions would look a bit more natural.

some people have slower metabolism and insulin productions

Not a fat fuck but Skeletor hands wrote this post.

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He's a multi-millionaire actor that moves in Hollywood circles, so he probably has access to the best dieticians and personal trainers money can buy yet he decides to be a fat fuck.

it's really not hard

>I am a twig faggot that has never had to exercise or eat right and I'm upset fat people exist
yeah we know

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I feel like I’ve seen a version of this photo every year

Where is this motherfucker always walking? What the fuck is happening?

eat. less.


>"Give me the RDJ look."

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nice cop out, fatty

lift. more.

>I am making up shit in my head so I can feel better about being a seething fat waste of space

>I cannot comprehend how fat people exist
that cause you are a brainlet

is that seth rogan or jonah hill? did they do the fusion dance?

lmao at all of the fatties seething at this

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>all these fatties seething
Anyone who has a problem with this post is undoubtably a fat fuck. Who else would have such a venomous reaction to "stop eating so much"?

>i hate being fat
>stop eating so much then