1. Country

1. Country
2. Heigh
3. Are you heightmogged in your country?

Mostly yes

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I am supposedly from one of the shortest state here but i get mogged by randoms in my gym all the time.

Not that often

Sadly yes, have stopped caring since I will be an incel my life out.

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Never. Easy to mog when it comes to strenght and muscles tho, because I am a bit of a lanklet. Working on changing that.

5'5 or 167cm
Yes, most women and tweens are taller than me

You guys are alright

I am 193 and there are a lot of zoomers who mog me. The worst part about it is not the height itself but how proportional they look. They look like average sized human being who were enlarged. No lanklets among them at all


You too.

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I get mogged everyday by my 190cm dad.

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1. Brazilquistan
2. 1.67
3. yes.

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Improve your diet and exercise strenght. By the time you weigh around 90kg with some muscle you won't look like a lanklet anymore.


I never said I am one tho

If you are tall but disproportionate, what's the problem then?

I get told I look "german" while being the height of your average Guatemalan.

Does "looking German" in the US means looking like an average white boy?

I don't understand what are you on about. As I said as oppose to our generation where we had lanklets zoomers don't have them but they are just big. I don't understand what part of my first message you misunderstanding

Most white guys where I live have slightly darker features due to a large italian population. So somewhere in the midwest is what I look closer to when it comes to the average white guy.

I am 168cms and honestly don't think about height in most situations.

1,98 m
i have never met a person taller than me

Oh so what you are saying is that being phisically proportioned is a bad thing?

173 cm, yes more than half of the zoomers mog me, some women too. Although most girls are short as fuck, so there's not much to worry about.

> Yes. Specially from my sister who's 178.

Yes many people at mit uni

2.1.83 cm
3. I the one who mogs