Yugoslavia... home

Yugoslavia... home...

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>everyone loved each other

Serbian boomers are so annoying, they started the Yugoslav wars themselves over different pronunciation of words in different dialect and now they keep telling everyone how Yugoslavia was perfect and the war was staged by CIA

arent croats and serbs just christianized bosnians?
why not just both and montenegro join B&H and leave slovenia and macedonia out of it

are they white

I want to personally strangle every demented yugo-nostalgic tito-dickriding boomer. If we werent dragged into communism meme we could be part of rich countries today. But they got their cheap apartments, houses and early retirement so they dont give a fuck.

do you mean bosnians are islamized croats?

>arent croats and serbs just christianized bosnians?

Jesus Christ....you got it completely wrong.

Bosnians are converted Croats/Serbs

Bosnians? A nonsensical name for a 'nation'. Bosnia is the name of a river, nothing more. Ti is a regional name, 'Bosnan' is a regional identity. Muslims are Islamized Croats and Serbs.

The Guardian is a disgusting anti-white and pro-migrant media outlet. When you see that such a scum is crying because of Yugoslavia, everything is clear.

this happens when your women can't just resist bratstvo&jedinstvo with Bosnian men

ironically enough they refuse to fuck our women so there are tons of ex-yugo couples who live here for 50 years and still dont speak a word in slovene

>they refuse to fuck our women

they do it, just it's Slovene women who start speaking Serbo-Bosnian in Slovenia, not Bosnians speaking Slovene kek

Is this really a RISE or is it just business as usual?

Patuljko, take your meds

i want Yugoslavia back

Come on, it's just boomers nostalgic for the times when their dick worked. They miss the USSR here too.

Lmao retard your most famous men all have serb dads and slovene moms

Why do people who lived in communism miss it while zoomers who didn't and now nothing about it hate on it?

>Smrt fašizmu. Sloboda narodu.
>Mi smo Titovi. Tito je naš.
Možete da mi popušite kurac ako se ne slažete.

>Sloboda narodu
>Postojanje golog otoka

why do old people miss their youth?

its only rich retards, not normal boomers

Give me some time. Need a few volunteers to take over Serbia, then we conquer from Vardar to Triglav!

Still, it obviously wasn't that bad
But why do zoomies hate it? They have no right to speak on it