Latin American, Spaniard and Portuguese bros, are your women generally more like big-titted and have flat asses...

Latin American, Spaniard and Portuguese bros, are your women generally more like big-titted and have flat asses? I've seen that 'average boob size' Map but I kind of don't believe it as it looks it was made based on porn.
I always had that feeling that big asses were always a brazilian thing (I mean yeah I know some of your women also have big bundas but you got what I mean) while Iberian and Latin Hispanic women used to have big tits and small to medium asses.

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Da, Russian bitches also got 'em big. Big-titted women are not THAT common in here.

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>are your women generally more like big-titted and have flat asses?
Actually the opposite, but asses are obviously not that big as Brazucas and Hispanic Americans.

Hmm, ok gracias, es una duda que tenía ya hace un tiempo.

Not, and btw more iberian is the hue, less tits and bunda have,... Look Debora Barbosa

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K so basically the tits come fron the Indianz while the asses from africans?

Btw brazilians and portugueses have less bunda than Spain or spics

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fuck off

And here I thought that Portuguese and Spaniards were basically the same people, even the genetics.

you guys have nothing to do with us, brazil population received people from all over the world.

Brazil is a Colombia low tier btw, yes, there is bunda, but there is bundaless in same proportion ...

Colombia or the venecas If Venezuela not, they all BMWs with gigant airbags, yes the average woman of streets...

>of Venezuela

Kkkk, is the biggest brazilian component... Pardos are the majority, and they are 70% Portugal, just 20% africans, 10% indio

Brazil is more portuguese than hispanics are from Spain

Unirocally we are the most latinos and the barometer of "latinutide"

I talked with a coomer-tier Chilean over this, we both agreed that Spanish women have flat tits and small-medium asses and that the bunda meme is more of a mestizo/mulatto thing

no actually, from what I've seen colombians and venezuelans have huge rears and medium sized tits


What about Mexicanas, Central Americanas, Argentinas and Uruguaias? Any clue?

Peruvian, bolivian and mexican women tend to be flatter across the board.
Argies and uruguayas tend to have big tits, medi ass

This is true ... Kuruminha

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Ok thank you very much, really, that's all I wanted to read, I can now update my considerations, I see I was very wrong about it all this time.

Ehh... Iberia

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i am big bunda and DSC(delicious small chest) enthusiast
im not saying that all have big bobas, but finding women like webm related body type is rare and i consider them valuable

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Thank you amigo.
Also, nice webm. Hay alguna salsa?

no, but i got it from a dutch general thread, maybe you can ask there

Also Brazil was populated, like USA was by irish people, the corn introduced in Minho from Americas, lead to a superpopulation that the motherfucker king overtaxed, mading they migrate and being the biggest component iberian of Brazil...

The famine was so great, that he send not only a lot of people to South America, but also used even cemiteries as farms and used the corpse as material to build church in Évora...

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Weird, can't find it on the catalog