Russia is the synonym of "slavic". When someone thinks of slavs...

Russia is the synonym of "slavic". When someone thinks of slavs, they don't think about some fucking Slovenians or Croatians, no, they think about Russia. They don't think about the beaches of Illyria, they think about harsh, cold winters. They don't think about whatever western slavs produce these days, they think about Ladas and nuclear bombs. When will other slavs finally admit that they are basically smaller Russians and embrace their real identity? Slavs need to stick together.

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_Russia_(1991–1993).svg (2).png (800x400, 604)

based polish russia shiller

>when people think of Slavs they think of a shithole
You're almost there, pavel

Attached: download.jpg (218x231, 8.48K)

Don't recall any of you have T-I-G-E-R-S or 12 S-E-A-S... Just stay in European Union and be humble. Serbs only may join us.

Perhaps, but being a shithole is not the thing that makes us the most relevant "slavic" nation.

Good thread.

Russians (yes including you lithuaniafag, "baltics" dont exist and are slavs trying to be edgy)

>"baltics" dont exist and are slavs trying to be edgy

23andme doesn't even genetically distinguish them from slavs

>When someone thinks of slavs, they don't think about some fucking Slovenians or Croatians
>When someone thinks of slavs, they don't think
Fixed for you.

fucking slavshit, I despise them. thank God I'm Sarmatian. Only good things that ever came from Poland were done by Sarmatians, Jews or Germans.

Why don't you live in Sarmatia then?

I do.

Attached: sarmacja.jpg (636x503, 183.87K)

or to be more specific, in Germano-Sarmatia

Attached: germano-sarmatia.jpg (862x683, 140.22K)

>When someone thinks of slavs, they don't think about some fucking Slovenians or Croatians
I do, actually

Your reasoning?

the reason you are shithole is because you are the most slavic
the less slavic a slav country gets the less of a shithole it gets
pavel doesn't understand this fully yet

Noviops are not slavs though

Your map says Russia is Sarmatia too

>tfw you have never gotten a chance to be born into a russian intelligence family in piter
its over

When I hear the word 'Slavs' I think of all Slavs, but I see Croatia as the center of it because the Pan-Slavic ideology was born on the Croatian shores. I don't see the non-Catholic southern Slavs as Slavs because culturally they are actually Turks and backward barbarians. The Russians ('Ukrainians' and 'Belarusians') are too far away and we have no contact with them. So, in the narrower sense, for me, the Slavs are Croatia, the Czech Republic, Poland and the two Slovenias.

when someone says slavs I usually think of lithuanians