With a cast of dozens, a few characters inevitably get the short shrift. Though actor Maggie Grace did solid work...

>With a cast of dozens, a few characters inevitably get the short shrift. Though actor Maggie Grace did solid work, her character, Shannon Rutherford, was stuck in a rut for the bulk of her time on "Lost." Emotionally tangled with her emo stepbrother, Boone, she spent her first couple of seasons sidelined as a beach babe. Shannon does gradually build a relationship with Sayid Jarrah, but she's unfortunately fridged just as she's becoming a full and interesting character.

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ive never seen a second of the show lost. is it a show that you had to watch as it came out to be into it? should i give it a shot? on a side note, what's it like prone boning a girl

Imagine having a sister this hot. How do you literally fight the urges

If you watch it you'll be disappointed with the ending.
He was her step brother.

You fight the urges by giving into them classic Daoism 無為.

>is it a show that you had to watch as it came out to be into it?
Back when it was first airing, people had lots of fun speculating about various mysteries and plot twists between episodes. If you watch it now, you won't get that.

On the flip side, the shows gains something from being able to watch it at your own pace. Leisurely episodes, where not much happens, follow more action-filled ones, and this was intolerable to some of the early viewers who had to wait a week between episodes.

>prone boning
Most underrated plot development device by the way.

>How do you literally fight the urges

>Implying I would

I liked the ending

she was an annoying character desu, her beach scenes don't make up for it; lost only got good from mid-S3 onward

Attached: Lost - S01E10_(00_30_02).jpg (1920x1080, 487.89K)

Implying god doesn't exist and that ass was created by random science.

and then this bitch dies super early

fuck that faggot jj abrams

Should've gone nudist.

My favourite position desu but you have to get a girl with a smallish ass and ofcourse have a dick above 5in

She looks awful now, age is a bitch

He had complete disdain for who she was as a person

Didn't Sayid hook up with her in the limbo world instead of the love of his life? Fucking CHRIST

i miss that bikini style so much bros

It will come back in style in the 2060. Get ready.

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