
what's your honest opinion on that country?

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Nice flag

never recovered from the mongols unironically

The only parts of Russia worth a shit are the ones not populated by Slavs

dislikes them, now hate them. I hate WE WUZZERS and they are a prime example

I wish there was actual Russia, not neobolshevik shithole ruled by chekists

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nuke material

just fucking do it

i can't understand why pol-ACKs here so butthurt about us
even hohols don't bitch abous us that much like you

It's okay. There are problems, but what country doesn't?

I hope they escape their present caveman conditions and the population increases to 400 million ethnic russians. They went from the shithole of europe to sending man to space and ruling half the world in two generations. Anything is possible.

я пpocтo cпpocил, ты cpaзy дyмaeшь y мeня бaттхepт.
здecь нaвepнo тoжe хoхлы c пoльcким флaжкoм кoтopых cчитaют пoлякaми.

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A shithole, but rather beautiful when you're out of population centers. Shame that such shitty people got to govern such a vast territory.

I don't like how they're depicted as the bad guys all the time :(

I can smell the damp and mold in that pic. All pics from russia have these disgusting old moth ridden textiles, probably no heating either, fuck russia

>*I don't like that they're depicted all the time

Dangerously based

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It lives in your heads rent free.

It was unironically excellent before the commie revolution and the Kerensky government gave it a chance to be the best cunt on earth.
It has been downhill since and except a few 1 in 1000 guys they are assholes.

Their men have the hottest feet in the world, too bad they also have negro brains filled with vanity

their putin fandom is fucking weird.

oh and nearly every russian I play against, regardless of game (chess, l4d2, etc), cheats in some way.

most of the country are functioning alcoholics and their populace are basically a meme.

shame because it's got some cool history and some of their women are trad and fuckable, unlike the mouth-breather populace (outside of the upper middle class) in the uk


I want a Russian gf