German girls date indians but they stop talking to me the moment they learn i am turkish

german girls date indians but they stop talking to me the moment they learn i am turkish

Attached: türk pepe.jpg (400x387, 34.08K)

maybe go back to your country?


you can always larp as a paki, nobody would notice

I’m German but my grandfather on my dads side is Portuguese, genes were too strong so as a result I have zoomer hair, med nose, and tan easily :(

are you an incel too?

Attached: erdem.jpg (240x333, 12.78K)

this isnt true tho

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Used to but after having sex for the first time it just stopped being impossible
Can’t really find a real gf tho

Just go back to Turkey then

???? Turks and Arabs got it easier
Get a better style and do mma


>german girls Date indian guys

noones likes brown people

yes. Indians have a very good image in central europe. They are characterised as the smart IT immigrants that only go to anglo countries as opposed to the savages we usually get (turks, arabs, chechens, etc)

date a syrian or your own species

turks suffer turkish girls only date foreigners big paki cocks & big yt wallets its over for turkcels

I got crushed when my diaspora oneitis started dating a fuckin sri lankian dude in switzerland.

I don't buy it, I've seen surveys that say Germans hate us more than Pakis


Dont listen to him, date a brit women

i will come to AVSTRIA and fuck your women if thats the case