Are people lazy in your country? In mine they will all literally take the car to go 200m away

Are people lazy in your country? In mine they will all literally take the car to go 200m away

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That's not being lazy, that's fat ass culture

We're lazy but we'll walk to a place if it's nearby

you are too lazy to even buy cars


t. ing Negri

Many people here live in bumfuck nowhere villages so it's necessary for them to own a car

>Just walk 2 hours to shop

Imagine not having your supermarket, school, healthcare center at a 500m radius

imagine living like a cuck in a pod and not alone in the woods

>being a citycuck
Enjoy your hustle and bustle with niggers, gypsies, feminists, middle-easterns, fags, tourists, junkies and thieves, I'll rather have my peace

I literally live in a 10k town. You have your basic needs covered at a walking distance. I thought that was the case in most of Europe.

Majority of jobs require a car.

I used to work with Italians, they wouldn't even walk 15-20 mins to town on nights out. They end up waiting longer for the bus than actually getting somewhere

Here the majority of jobs are clustered in 3 industrial areas very well connected with public transport, so owning car is not necessary for those workers.

The world is a bit bigger than what you might have seen in Finland chud.

that's NUTS

True in the countryside or smaller cities, not true for the rest

If you can spare the time.
picrel route by car: 10-15 minutes. From door to door, not just the drive time. Same with bus: 40 minutes.

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Then you just have bad public transport
Btw, those "car times" never add the time you spend parking

Yes, that’s how your country works.

Saw my neighbour take his car to go to the french tacos shop 3 minutes of walking away.
No wonder he's a fat fuck lmao.

I live in pic related with no feminists or junkies and have to walk 25 minutes total with steep slopes for groceries.
Gf and me don't see it as wasted time or an actual effort, but we're very fit and an exception. 80% of people don't put that much energy in anything in their lives.

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Parking is a non issue outside Helsinki central. And even a lesser issue in industrial areas.

waiting for the public transport counts too

As easy as setting a "leaving home time" so you arrive in time to catch the train, that's what I do (i'm not the user you quote tho)

It is an issue in places like Madrid. A big one.
I don’t see the point of this dicussion, sorry.

This should be normalised for age.
If your population is 20%

I thought Poles were poor.