What is it with Rian Johnson making ill-fitting “subversive” additions to beloved franchises?

What is it with Rian Johnson making ill-fitting “subversive” additions to beloved franchises?

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Easiest way to be a ""creative genius"". Take expectation, do something else, congrats! You're now deep and intellectual.

This episode is great, I wouldn’t describe it as ill fitting.

TLJ is the only bad thing Rian did and I hate Star Wars as a franchise so it was still funny to watch people seethe

Fly is among the sub-dozen episodes in BB that are genuinely great. It portrays Walter as the neurotic shithead that he should be (not the capeshit-tier cartoon character that he's normally written as), it avoids the tedious family drama that shouldn't have been in this show at all, and further develops the relationship between Walt and Jesse.
I unironically would rather Rian Johnson have co-created Breaking Bad. He would have helped Bravo avoid all of the pitfalls that he fell into on his own.

He thinks he's an auteur. But the only distinct thing about him is his attempt to be irritating.
Lars Von Trier intends to be highly irritating, but he has the balls to be a mentally ill fuck about it.
Rian is just that redditor that pushes theories like the Rugrats is just Angelica's imagination, or Spongebob represents the 7 deadly sins. He's kind of like that.


Yeah The Last Jedi was terrible but all his other stuff is fine honestly. I personally have no issue with him tanking the entire Star Wars franchise anyways since it has been complete shit ever since Disney bought it

Last Jedi was like a 4/10 while the other two were 1s

>Spongebob represents the 7 deadly sins
wait what?

He didn't write "Fly"
He pretty much got handed the episode and concept.

nah, knives out is barely fucking mediocre. the only interesting part was craig not being bond and even that didn't carry the film. he's a hack.

Yeah, OP is a retard in regards to "Fly." Does he not know what a bottle episode is when a show goes over-budget?

This. He's he's so smugly assured that he's brilliant for doing the opposite of established narrative tropes, but he completely fails to recognize that he'd hardly the first person to try breaking the rules simply for the sake of it being unexpected. Countless writers throughout history have done the exact same thing but most of them were simply irrelevant and forgotten because, surprise surprise, those storytelling tropes he's so eager to break only exist thanks to thousands of years of refining what makes a story work and what doesn't.

fly is great

He also directed Ozymandias which the fans voted to be the highest rated episode of the entire show.

He's a piece of shit, that's what...

because he's a midwitted mean spirited noodle armed cunt



this is cope. only stupid people like to see tropes and cliches, they are like apes hooting when their preconceptions are met and then seething when those expectations are broken. the best way to make midwits cope and dilate is to subvert their precious tropes, it makes them furious, they cannot handle the fact that the thing didn't do the thing they liked, and will contrive elaborate copes such as "well ackshually I'm more intelligent because I peruse formulaic, one note content that panders to my comfort zone" no you are a dopey weakling faggot nigger that is throwing a tantrum because an author dared to do something differently