Over 100 languages

>over 100 languages
>over 130 ethnic groups
>49 regions
>22 republics
>6 federal territories
>1 autonomous region and 10 autonomous areas

we are the most diverse country in the world and we live in peace with each other. It makes all you seethe. We will never balkanize xD Soldiers from every region are willing to fight and die for Russia the same can't be said for your countries who have ethnic conflicts, even in Western Europe, Belgium. UK. Spain etc all have ethnic conflicts and separatism xD

Attached: russia.png (2800x2897, 1.65M)

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I forgot to mention that Diversity is literally our Strength here

cope, seethe and dilate

Attached: 7d8.png (1440x900, 661.77K)

Could you explain to me, why these republic didn't leave Russia after USSR fall? Unlike Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc

serious question OP, what do you think the map you just posted represents?

They were a part of RSFSR

Some tried but were violently stopped from doing so

>even in Western Europe, Belgium. UK. Spain etc all have ethnic conflicts and separatism xD
None of those had anything close to a Chechnya war so you're retarded.

central asia was last place ruski empire conquered. so they always had memory of independent times.

>Unlike Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc
Those were separate countries by the constitution, so they could leave by law.

that ship in the background is sleeping with the fish

What's that ship in the background? I hope nothing bad happened to it.

Attached: 2fc38058e081624d7fe010847dd964ca.jpg (473x366, 20.37K)

Vatniks be like
>uhm actually our flagship just caught on fire and sunk due to bad weather
as if that wasn't even worse lmao

>we live in peace with each other

Attached: beslan.jpg (1280x720, 51.57K)

>Diversity is literally our Stren-ACK

Attached: 534252653.png (424x290, 152.02K)

You should import some Africans for more diversity.


russia is an empire in the old sense of the term, as in past empires like the roman empire ruled extremely diverse peoples under the same umbrella, and even tho those people were not given the same exact treatment as the citizens of rome, they still begrudgingly recognised the legitimacy of the empire
russia is the last empire in this sense that it unifies these peoples under one territory and one political unit
people talk about american imperialism but america is not empire in this sense, it is pretty bad at governing foreign territories
america is not an empire but it created the current world order which is recognised as legitimate by most sovereign states
this world order is cultural, monetary, diplomatic, even military to an extent, but it is not a single political unit, it is compromised of seperate sovereignties, and this is why it is not empire

>ruled extremely diverse peoples
Russia is overwhelmingly Russian
>under the same umbrella
Minorities get their own republics and autonomy unlike America where Indians, Africans and Europeans are all treated the same. Note that in some of these republics Russians still form the great majority, as in Karelia.

Russian Federation has very many Parallels with Indian state
>extream diversity
>problem with one muslim region(Chechnya/kashmir)
>security forces filled with Asians & minorities
I might even say Russia is white India or India is brown Russia

Attached: Language_region_maps_of_India.svg.png (1280x1457, 158.21K)


India has political pluralism. Sadly that also includes modern woke idiots but it is what it is

>we live in peace with each other

Attached: grozny.png (976x549, 850.29K)