New Van Helsing

It will be Kino?

Attached: screenshot_20240809.jpg (1946x1439, 785.95K)

What? Will he rob Dracula and steal all his jewelry from his castle and run away? Will he rape and murder Draculas brides for being pale? Will he smoke jenkem and scream WE WUZ KANGZ! Infront of Dracula to convince him that niggers are not 100% worthless?

I mean his skin color doesn't seem to matter much but of course Any Forums will be outraged

I hate niggers and kikes.

Race doesn't matter in a work of fiction.


we wuz vampire hunters n shieet. Blacks were the first Transylvanians.

Another "Dracula" movie? How many has there been now? 20?

search in google images: happy white woman

Van Helnigga

if it's got a nigger in it I don't watch, simple as.

>Chloe Zao

Why are studios still hiring her after Eternals?

Van Hellnaw

van got stolen

Fun fact, at one point in the novel Jonathan Harker (I believe, it might actually have been Quincy but I haven't read it in years) slashes at Dracula with a khukuri sword and it cuts Dracula's coin purse open, which Dracula promptly hisses, crunches down to collect his coins and scurries away.

If they add that scene, well... We know what Van Helsang's going to do.

We unironically need more blacula movies. You faggots need to give them this one.

How can there be so many of these black guys with crazy names?

Black vampire is the lamest shit ever, zoomers are the gayest, most behind-the-curve youth ever.

>We unironically need more blacula movies.
yeah but dracula is not going to be black in this one

Do you really not know what goes on in Africa, user?

I have nigger fatigue

Why did studios stop wanting to make money?

Van Helrap

So you be saying we wuz Helsang's n shiet?

You cracked it

Van hellNAHsing these white folk be crazy!!!

you CANNOT fight vampires on colored people time. Sunrise and sunset are important and punctual. Blacks are neither of those things. The premise is faulty.