Was Cronenberg's new movie any good?

Was Cronenberg's new movie any good?

Attached: 20943.png (713x690, 699.94K)

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cronenberg is a hack none of his movies are good

Not really

it was better than cosmopolis inb4 filtered but overall it was just kind of a bizarre wankfest over art.

the movie was really gross

it has interesting ideas but ultimately boring


post her nudes


Attached: CosmopolisSex3.webm (1924x1030, 2.87M)

She's still good looking at least

How can I get a qt frog wife who still looks good at 36 bros ?


I deleted it after 5 seconds.

I was supposed to watch this?

News to me, user.
Let me schedule up some grandma Frog McTittles tonight for a snoozefest.

She was the worst Bond girl, you know.
Lea Sesucks. Should have been her and the kid that got missiled.

the fuck is this writing?

You win shill. I will watch her movie.

i said inb4.

I know, French women, right?

i wouldnt even know how to see this. it isnt playing within 2
a hundred miles of here and its release is to small pirates just ignored it. i dont even know how you guys are seeing it. as far as hostile hollywood jews go at least cronenverg is creative.

It filters plebs.

Attached: Cosmopolis.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Nigger are you serious

why does it look like a youtube actor reel?


what were they talking about?

holy fucking kek this reads like Any Forums virgin greentext

I liked how it made fun of performance "art" fags. almost like a horror art school confidential.
also the eating chair scenes were off putting. nice sound mix.




The dialogue in this movie is literally one of the greatest pleb filters in our time.

it's garbage user no one liked the movie.
cronenberg needs to stick to body horror.

is this a commentary on how rich people are retarded?

explain what you like about it