Did you know

The Warao Tribe are almost completely sea/river/delta based.

The Warao are completely peaceful, detesting physical violence, but retain memories of ancestral warriors.

Their toddlers instinctively grasp their mother tightly as not to fall and drown.

Avoided the Spanish Conquest of their lands by simply living among the Mangroves.

Waroid Tribes are believed to be the first inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands, preceding the Lokono and Kalina there.

In recent years, as a result of their large "Two-Spirit" community and culture of river prostitution, they have the highest number of AIDS sufferers in the world per ethnic group.

Many have moved from the Venezuelan Communist Regime and as a result, have established Diaspora in Brazil and the Caribbean.

Attached: Warao.jpg (1542x2228, 695.3K)

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Huy miren unos indios

pan cake boob

the soy tribe

Attached: Home.jpg (800x600, 85.04K)

They're unironically one of the largest tribes in the world at 55,000 people.


In Warao. Mi means Booba/Boobas, Mido means Big Boobas.

*Mida. My mistake.

>Many have moved from the Venezuelan Communist Regime and as a result, have established Diaspora in Brazil and the Caribbean.
The government here claims they protect them, but in practice they treat them worse than previous governments.

All Communist Regimes do this. How may I ask?

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I will never understand how some natives are fat when my tribe is thin as fuck.
Are fishermen tribes fatter than farmers tribes?

Manioc is poverty food which really is mostly fiber at best, potentially deadly when uncooked at worst. The Warao eat Yuruma, Fish and Crab Meat. Sweet Potato and Yuruma is were it's at.

But we eat sweet potato too.
You just need to leave the manioc in the water during the night. You can even eat the leaves if you leave it in the water for a week and cook it for a few days.

that's a lot for an amazonian tribe, albeit the largest amazonian ethnicities like the Ashaninka or the Shuar have about ~100,000 people but to be fair they are more developed and have towns and such

>they have the highest number of AIDS sufferers in the world per ethnic group.
Fucking white gays ruined the world by introducing HIV and Monkeypox to the rest of the world

I highly recommend the Warao method of making Moriche Palm Bread. It may make you fatter like me.

Attached: Me.jpg (1280x720, 142.31K)

Wasn't it Black Gays?

The settlements of the early Warao have been compared to Venice, albeit a much simpler one.

Why are pure indios so barrel chested

I don’t care what library natives have to say on this but this shit did not exist as a ‘’third gender’’ it was socially constructed for fail man who sucked at hunting and gathering. The whole idea of this being a faggot thing is entirely a modern construct.

Libtard natives*


White gays fucked Africans then spread it to Europe and then from there, the rest of the world

They burned the coal.