No Muslims or Black people and among the most devoutly Christian countries in the world

>no Muslims or Black people and among the most devoutly Christian countries in the world
>still the most dangerous country in the world

Literally how?

Attached: Flag-Mexico.jpg (800x458, 23.39K)

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Omeca blood is calling

Attached: us.gif (16x11, 359)

I thought they went through a whole war to tell the church to fuck off

A German man made a video series about it.
It's Spain's fault.

Turns out religion or race aren't the only factors that contribute to increase in violence.
Shocking, I know.

this country is full of degenerates
everyone here take the faith as secondary stuff

Drugs, bad education, moral destruction of the church and yanks.

It's full of fucking mexicans

>among the most devoutly Christian countries
That isn't really saying much?

A german tranny obsessed with heckin' wholesome democracy and shitalking everyone who isn't an atheist progressive liberal like himself dilated across various videos regurgitating AUTHORITY LE BAD whilst every once in a while mentioning a superficial knowledge of mexican history

Attached: Screenshot_20220827-212627~2.png (1080x650, 688.96K)

Don't blame us cuz you can't get your shit together

before industrialisation mexico was doing fine, it all went to shit once drugs started being smuggled



I seriously hope you country can get shit together because it is beautiful and your normal citizens are honestly good people


Mexicans are prone to violence due to their low intelligence, not unlike the blacks

Nah they tried to ban catholicism and impose atheism. In the 20s-40s they went through a quasi-marxist phase that ended with the expropriation of anglo-american oil infrastructure. 100% of the country was devoutly religious, they were mostly fighting regular people.

thanks I hope we improve our relationship as neighbors for the better

What do Mexicans have against Indians?

stop crossing the border
stop selling drugs to the US

Good fortune to you and your family

True, this country is a shithole and a big part of it is our own fault. That does not mean that yanks haven't played a role in the destruction of this country, at the end of the day it was your own ambassadors those which actively subverted and supported conflict there where it suited your country the most. Joel Poinsett against Iturbide, Henry Lane Wilson against Madero. Not to mention how glowniggers have been constantly funding cartels to fund their operations.

what border
only drugs I know is the stuff americans consoom

Most of these uber progressive liberals + lefties will admit when pressed that they believe subverting democracy and instituting anti-democratic things like censorship and deep state corruption is justified in order to prevent a fascist (aka. anyone with even slightly right of center politics) from taking power.

So my point is: progressives claiming to support democratic principles is utterly laughable.

The whole cartels are funding CIA is kind of dumb seeing how they have an unlimited budget from US defense anyway.
Besides even if the glowies stopped, China is already getting into your cartels.

Attached: china cartel money.png (976x861, 1.13M)

it is because of catholic

We're poor. Poverty leads to violence.

>poverty leads to violence
no it fucking does not. look at South Korea 60 years ago and look at them now

Not a valid excuse in any sense. What happened?

Attached: FZf7DeeWYAECWmM.jpg (1028x1750, 464.28K)

>still the most dangerous country in the world
That is very exaggerated. It is true that there are conflicts at the moment but it is not caused by the cartels at all, this is because the president (AMLO) is touching the interests of many corrupt people and they are trying to destabilize the country and exaggerating everything in the media, you know, the same USA government do.


if i looked like this i wouldn't want to improve my country too

Dude, do you have ANY idea how many foreign actors have fucked with our shit since 1776? You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Yet somehow we become the greatest nation on earth while you, sitting right next to the largest economy on earth, are still 3rd world.

Attached: average_mexican.jpg (500x750, 39.42K)

Yeah I know it's controversial on here but Russia arguably installed their puppet in 2016. We get shit that would turn Mexico into the stone age.