21 years later

>21 years later
>the debate still rages on

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more like cat soiboys still seething 21 years later

>America Online Keyword: cats and dogs
did gen X really?

It's never been a debate.

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it was a better time

I remember my grandma got this for me pirated on vhs zoomers will never know this feel

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>who will you root for?
>movie makes dogs the good guys and cats the bad guys
I've had it with the anti-cat propaganda in the media.

Cats are for gay people and single roasties, dogs are man's best friend


Fuck dogs. They are loud, smelly, obnoxious, require more care than a child and you need to pick up their shit when you walk them. Cats are so far superior it's not even funny.

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dogs are embarrassing nightmare creatures unless you train them properly which is too much for a great deal of dog owners

Don't you catfags have to pick up shit from a litter box?

wasnt this film called Cats VS dogs??

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I thought so too. mandella effect

You use a small shovel for that, and you do it after the shit has dried up, so it's nowhere near as nasty as picking up fresh shit with a bag on the street.

they didn't want children pitting their animals against each other. this was when pokemon was wildly popular

Do you leave a dog shit all around your house?

cats are for chads
the best dig at cats I've seen people use is toxoplasmosis, but the irony is that it's a rat disease that a household cat is unlikely to carry, people are 99% immune to it's effects, AND it raises testosterone funnily enough

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Really? Because the TV Tropes page for Mandela Effect doesn't say anything about this movie.

so yeah, you do. lmfao

>train dog once to go outside to piss and shit, never have to train again
>meanwhile catfags are stuck with cleaning shit and piss from litter boxes

>movie's creator regretted making cats the villains once he found out most kids preferred them to dogs

There is no debate.

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They fear the cat.

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so your yard is full of piss and shit, nice

So you don't pick shit up from your garden, you and your family/guests just step on it.

lads, we found a new one

What is it with homosexuals and cats?

I love them both, but I'll never get another pet. Hurts too much when they die.

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my cat has never had a litterbox, i just let her outside and she comes back after a while

they tend to make threads complaining about cats for no reason

Same. Owned both, but the loss is a bummer, and honestly I have more time to focus on other things now and my house is cleaner.
I still watch videos with pets and that works for me fine enough.

I saw this movie like 30 times because my little brother would watch it constantly and I swear it was always cats vs dogs. maybe i'm just remembering the marketing.

>that pic
how can human women compete

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You can train dogs to piss or shit in specific spots, not to mention that it degrades quickly becoming a fertilizer.
>Unlike dogs, cats need constant access to their “bathroom”. This means that you'll need to provide constant access to the outdoors or maintain at least one litter box inside. If a cat is forced to 'hold it', it can lead to some serious health complications.


cats are reddit

and doggos aren't?
any "pet is reddit" argument falls apart because all pets are
you're only reddit if you care about reddit in the first place

>shoveling sand with some tiny bits of poo in it is the same as picking up massive turds on the street

This is some desperate cope, dogfag.

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>go to work all day
>cat is fine all day on it’s own

>dog peed everywhere and at the cushions when you get home