What is his best film?

What is his best film?

Attached: takeshi.jpg (214x317, 7.81K)

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For my money that would be Kikujiro.


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Outrage and Brother are good for normies. Everything else is a literal pleb filter.

Why is this guy literally always on tv everyone you turn it on?

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for me? its Hana-bi


I don't understand the point of this movie. Did I get filtered?
Enjoyed Hanabi much more

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The same "crime doesn't pay" shit, except Kitano's character very quickly accepts that they all are dead men walking and acts accordingly but he is so fucking cool that they can't even kill him so he does it for him because he assumes he can't really live past this point.

Attached: kitano.png (1920x1036, 1.96M)

I have to say Hana-Bi

I've seen Violent Cop, Sonatine, and Hana-Bi (my personal favorite). I heard Boiling Point is really good, any others?

Best: hana-bi
Worst: zatoichi or however it's spelled, one of the worst movies I've seen in a long long time


Scene at the Sea

Getting Any?

Mother of filtered!
I don't know how you can hate this. Watch more movies I guess.

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hanabi or the uk version of takeshis castle

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