/bra/ - fio brasileiro

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sex sex sex

agro não presta

Girl belly tickle


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I won't get ban for this, right?
people say much worse thing about my flag and I don't see them get ban.

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Passei o sábado todo sentado na sala, escutando música, admirando a vista e enjoando cafézinho.
E vocês, anões?

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>ele não toma chá com raspas de cumaru
Como é ser um plebeu?

>ele não é inglês, não é a Salmão e toma chá em dia quente
Como é ser gay?

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Só tomei café de ontem. Um gole pequeno.
Fui ao mercado e tb comprei umas porcariada na lojas americanas. Salgadinho Fofura, elma chips, bombom.
Nem quero contato com ninguém

não vou tankar deixar de comer pizza

Também queria ser imaginário
Sumir quando estiver dando tudo errado
Sem pesar na consciência
(Sem pesar na consciência)
Mas como faz?

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um oficial de justiça entrou em contato comigo e aparentemente estou sendo processado. Além disso, joguei PUBG mobile com um brother meu coloquei minha perna em uma compressa de gelo pois estou com canelite

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falou muita merda no zap?


Carne de porco.

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>chá em dia quente
E desde quando precisa estar calor pra tomar chá? O fresco aqui é você.

devo bastante dinheiro há bastante tempo

É bom assado.

Fui na igreja
Assisti entrevista do mito
Bebi meio litro de café
Li Tolkien
Li Buda e Allan Kardec
Escutei Queen
Trouxe as crianças pra brincar na pracinha
Vou pedir um sushi pra jantar

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jogou muito cassino?

o foda é que estou desempregado pois estou literalmente morrendo, mas é a vida. Uma pica saindo e outra entrando

SCP-682, also known as the Hard-to-Destroy Reptile, is an extremely dangerous Keter-class creature from The SCP Foundation. This creature is one of the few that the Foundation actually wants dead, simply because it wants to kill all life and is incredibly dangerous. The reason the creature gained its alias is that it can regenerate its entire form from the tiniest particle. So far, nothing has been able to kill it permanently. In fact, it is literally kept in an acid-filled cell as an attempt to slowly erode its skin. The creature is one of the most dangerous creatures in possession by the Foundation for both this and its hatred of all life unlike itself. The creature has managed to escape six times, with another seventeen failed escape attempts. In all six successful attempts, everyone the Foundation could get was sent after it.

Regeneration - SCP-682 has been able to bring itself back from death each time the Foundation has attempted to eliminate it. These attempts include bullets, acid, fire, bludgeons, a cutting-laser, and even other SCPs.
Hyper-intelligence, strength, speed, and reflexes - This changes with form, but always stays relatively high.
Rapid Adaptation - SCP-682 also has the ability to evolve and change its body as needed, usually as a counter to the Foundation's most recent attempt to kill or contain it. It can consume organic or inorganic materials to provide for the necessary mass and has been known to grow additional organs, change its size, and both resist and subvert other SCPs. This is also how it survives its acidic containment; it has literally adapted to it. However, the effects of these adaptations wear off soon after they become irrelevant to SCP-682's survival.

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vou matar comunistas na minha ilha no tropico

transitivo direto e intransitivo
provocar enjoo em ou sentir enjoo.
"balanço de navio não enjoa marinheiro"
transitivo direto
tomar enjoo de (ger. alimento).