Why does Ms. Marvel use so many Indian/Bollywood songs?

Isn't she Pakistani? Don't they have their own songs lmao?

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because disney producers and "directors" are Either jews or bourgeois faggots who don't give a damn about thirld world shitholes and their culture, but they have to pretend for virtue signaling. It's all superficial bullshit without an ounce of vision if you didn't notice yet

they made her pakistani because they wanted to make a muslim character from a country that wouldn't bomb their headquarters for making her a liberal, so the main choice is India, but Indians hate muslims and making an indian muslim character would make it bomb in india, so they made her the next thing to india, Pakistan, but retained all her indian features, they didn't make her bangladeshi (closer to indians in culture) because americans are too lazy and dumb to pronounce and write bangladesh properly

honestly i don't know the difference between indians and pakistanis and plain arabs. nor do i care.

>they made her pakistani because they wanted to make a muslim character from a country that wouldn't bomb their headquarters for making her a liberal
what? Pakistan funds a fuckton of terror groups. Making her Turkish would make more sense with this goal.

All deshi people the same people

mulsims go to Hell

Because youre a dumb amerikkan

Because Pakistani songs sucks ass and they know it. A lot of pakistani singers are in India. And Bollywood is way bigger than whatever those goat fuckers have.

that and i also don't care about any of you.

goodmorning motherpackers

Yeah, but that wouldn't appeal to the Indian market. Granted, neither does making her Pakistani, but nobody said we're dealing with smart people here.

paki culture isn't unique
they're like Ukrainians seething how they're not Russian culturally

bangladeshi women hottest women on earth

is that Russian slang for "inflicting a 3:1 casualty ratio"

Imagine if after a period of religious tension, everyone who identified as Christian in America was forced at gunpoint by the government to move to California and Oregon, and all of the non-christians in those states were forced to leave, and the government said "There, now you don't have to live with each other. We did you a favor" except that literally everyone involved hated this whole scenario. Now fast-forward things a hundred years so that the divide has become entrenched even though everyone is still kinda pissed that it happened at all.

Thats a gross over simplification of what happened with India and Pakistan.

It's not like the average whitoid consoomer would know the difference.
The only audience for this are libshit trannies who will watch this for self-validation "look guys i'm watching and supporting this generic superhero crap with those pooor brown people in it, im totally not like those racist natzis right???"

>60000 quadrillion casualties goy
do GAYTO cucks really?

pakistani people are tame and friendly like indians and not violent and aggressive like arabs, plus pakistan is an american puppet state where the people are flooded with pro liberal propaganda daily

they wanted to make an indian character but also muslim, this is they they chose pakistan because americans think they have the same culture

pakistani culture is not unique but they are closer to iranians culturally than to indians, watching a pakistani character are like a copycat of an indian is weird, it would be like a english acting like a german

It's actually a not-so-subtle insult to Pakis since they hate India. Imagine being conflated with a country full of rapist, scamming street shitters.

What songs, post link.

Paki here. Spot on. Death to India.

every thread

Attached: 1655147551441.webm (860x1000, 2.91M)

>Imagine being conflated with a country full of rapist, scamming street shitters
Kek, fucking retards.
>Pakistan's Punjab To Declare "Emergency" Due To Rising Rape Cases

Aren’t pakis and Indians basically the same race anyways? One wears a turban and one has a dot.

She looks like she likes BWC

>pakistani culture is not unique but they are closer to iranians culturally
paki spotted. Poonjabi muslims will never be iranian.

indians can be pitch dark black while pakis can be no different from a normal whitoid, it is not only a racial difference, pakistan is closer to afghanistan and iran culturally than to India, it is historic because the Iranian muslims that invaded India and created Pakistan segregated themselves linguistically and culturally from indians because they considered indians impure disgusting people

cope more, fucking rapebabies.

Who watches shit like this?

All these Pakis lying thru their teeth. Kek. You and poos are the same. Fuck off.

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