Woke World: Dominion

Look, it's our favourite dino buddys all together!
>Dr. Grant
>thic mommy brapper
>female doctor
>the Goldblum finds a way
>the nigger
>british accent girl

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>"This nigger here is smarter than me, and taller."

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>"Why you ask me why i would risk my life for strangers? Just accept me."

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ah, the Goldblum saving the others, finally...

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But no! It was the Nigger once more!

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>"I know everything and i am prepared, because i'm black!"

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>"I help the whitiis, i'm so much better!"

Attached: nigghero is there fo you.png (1280x576, 830.25K)

>"I am the nigghero, i can do anything and i'm such a good person!"

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>"Even though i'm a double agent and stabbed you in the back, i'm better than you whitti!"

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Finally only the old pals all toge- for fucks sake!

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Oh oooooh, they are in trouble again, what should they do now?

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Good thing is we have two niggheros in the group, so the black monkey can be even better than the male subhuman.

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She knows as the only one you should do something, not only standing around. Yeeas queen!

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She's also into redheads, what a proud lesbian/bi/HDTV Queeeeeeeen, yes!!1!

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Once more where she helps the heroes in the öast moment! YEEEEEEASDFSDJFHGSDU!!!!

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>"You don't know me, but i help also the heroes, cause i'm such a nice black monkey!"

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>"You see british accent girl, your mom is the solution to everything, she didn't even needed a guy to get you! You don't need men!"

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the Goldblum
>"It's really really complex - me and the nigghero try to figure it out!"
How could that be wrong! Yeeeas, woman!

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filename, also, yeeeeas woman!

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>"Yes, write it down as the nigghero said, that's much better than me, who lecture people a is a meme for my catchphrases in this movies!"

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>"You see ching, you was the antagonist so long and i'm whitee, let me take this burden!"

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Thankfully he has a happy ending aswell. Remeber, China isn't bad, actually nothing is bad as long as you regret it afterwards.

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>"You're her mom, you're her only shot!"
Real quote, i shit you not. Not even being her mum, remeber people, men bad, white bad.

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A white side character? Sure, just make her evil, no purpose at all storywise. She has to be female? Okay, not that evil and strong, remeber, females must be strong! Just make her walk through a bulletrain like it's nothing.

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Sure, she can be smart too, but remeber, evil!

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Sure, don't show more dinos, we want to see the queen getting her good ending! YEEEADASUJHBFLUIHDG QUEEEEEEN!!!!1!!1

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>"Yes, i'm also in this movie for the mutt ratio, not enough non whites. Yes, sure enough i'm also a helper of the heroes and so smart, i'm a fucking glownigger!"

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me in the back, after watching this shitty woke propaganda

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