This is the worst movie i ever watched its the Batman and Robin of Star Wars cant believe that shills think this is a...

This is the worst movie i ever watched its the Batman and Robin of Star Wars cant believe that shills think this is a masterpiece

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Rise of Skywalker is way worse

its not that bad

the one thing i'll say about that movie is it doesn't deserve a poster that good, the only good one in non-canon disneywars

OP here. Sorry, I used the wrong pic.

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>This is the worst movie i ever watched
Haven't watched rise of Skywalker i see

I don't understand when the tie fighters are fucking up the rebel fleet, they recall their fighters because they cant support them from that distance? the first order had seemingly endeless resources. who cares if you lose a couple fighters.

It's a perfect Star Wars movie for people who always hated Star Wars and its fans

I don't think Rise qualifies as a movie.

Yet it's still better than the prequels

the way they animated carrie fisher's corpse to make her appear alive was pretty impressive, though. reminded me of Weekend at Bernie's.

batman and robin was fun, it wasn't some woke inclusive garbage like turning batman a black woman and having robin be some jewish white man, star wars after disney is complete propoganda woke shit, id rather have jar jar binks than any of the shit they have now



that one's overhated
>muh jar jar


far from it, yet still better than ix and viii and also 2 prequels, you know which ones.


ix and vii.

dude it literally is viii

Phantom Menace is boring and forgettable. Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker are offensively bad.

I didn't get filtered, user. I understand The Last Jedi perfectly; it is undeniably ambitious.
But it's not Star Wars and doesn't even try to be. When you're making something like Star Wars you have to leave your ego at the door and try to make something George Lucas himself would make.

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>try to make something George Lucas himself would make.

George Lucas is one of the greatest living filmmakers.

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More like BvS of SW.
B&R is watchable.

Lots of memorable scenes and lines in this film. The score and characters are also very memorable. Sorry that you're retarded

It was the worst big budget film I had ever seen, and then rise of skywalker and fallen kingdom happened right after it and I utterly despise Hollywood now

the battle of naboo shits all over TLJ in its entirety