Was it supposed to be about a certain race of people? i think you know what im talking about

was it supposed to be about a certain race of people? i think you know what im talking about

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The Chuds?

what's a chud?

Yep, the rich

Yeah, the Irish.

the green race of leprechauns

At this point, probably was about you, OP

No, only jewish people believe that lol.

Yes, freemasons. Jews are bad too.

Yeah, it was about the corporate oligarchs who control every facet of our society.

It was anti-Reagan, anti-family and anti-society. Basically the world that Carpenter hated is now not with us. And its sh*t.

ronnie raygun was irish being against him is good

It wash about ideeology *sniff*

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That was the other side, young barely sentient user.

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I don't know why people love this movie so much. It treats you like a dumb fuck and spells every single thing out to you. The design of the aliens is the only cool thing about it.

So you’re saying there’s a master race of omnipotent super beings that control an inferior race of stupid fat gibbering slaves?


It's about whatever you feel like projecting into it.
movies like that are intentionally vague and devoid of actual criticism so they can be co-opted by anyone.

>movies like that are intentionally vague
god this board is so fucking retarded

is it not? I could project whatever I wish onto the it, maybe it's the jews that are behind the decaying consumerism, or maybe it's just capitalism, or perhaps it's materialism and we should all just find Jesus.
The film doesn't make any attempt at assigning a single cause to the things it criticizes, it's completely vapid, what more proof do you need than the fact that both leftists and fascists think the film embodies their criticism of society? same goes for shit like the matrix.

God I hate politicised direction brained faggots, fuck off. There is no meaning or metaphor its just a cool movie with some funny blue aliens being silly, grow up.