They should all speak russian

They should all speak russian

Attached: slavic-lang-map.jpg (1111x1024, 102.54K)

lithuania too btw

>those croatian spots in austria and italy
What happens there?

They are like 1k people and are not croat

It should be Slovak

You mean Polish?

No, sorry, not switching to an inferior language.

every slavic language sounds like knockoff russian with rural retard additions

fixed that for you

the balkans only have 3 slavic languages though


>rural retard additions
Russian and Eastern Slavic languages were always seen in Poland as peasant speak. Even in your propaganda you considered us nobility and yourself poor shitty peasants.

stop butthurt

you'll be allowed to talk when you have a centuries-old literature tradition not confined to your own country

He's telling the truth though, it was always "polskie pany".

That's not even butthurt, but the truth.

You already speak english because it's useful

Attached: PIEKNY.png (853x897, 64.76K)

>so many ways to compliment someone
A nation of women and fragle twinks.

they already do, but they do a few different things so it won't be identical and then call it another name

English is a very refined and graceful language, and Slovenian is too, because they are spoken in civilised land, whereas Russian is the language of a poor and ugly country.

Attached: Slav.gif (600x552, 20.53K)

that's like saying that you speak Portuguese natively

>he doesnt get it
y них чё pил пaдeжeй нeтy или пepeвoдчик пpocтo гoвнo? a ecли ecть, тo кaк oн нe пoнял, чтo этo пaдeжи и пpoчиe cyффикcы

Attached: Без названия.jpg (265x190, 6.58K)

we all speak ancient latin with different local variations, just like you speak rus'(sian) with different variations

Russian sounds nice, has a proper alphabet and great literature

Russian is not the original Slavic language just cause it's the largest. Actually, it's quite a dumbed down variety of Slavic. For instance, the Russians are unable to say mleko, they're just too stupid or Turkish or whatever. They say moloko because consonant clusters are just too much for them and they can't pronounce them.

Cool image, saved.
Confirms my beliefs about some things

>Russian sounds nice
To me East Slav languages sounds abnormal, like a feminized parody of the other Slav languages.

They sound a bit like Japanese in their animes, trying to sound deeper/manlier than they really sound.

Our language is more organized than russian

another meme map that overestimates these minority languages, like with Aromanian in Greek when there are like 100 people who speak it lol

no one fucking speaks slovak in transylvania
no one in banat speaks serbian, bulgarian or fucking czech
what fucking idiot made this map

Is true that Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian are basically the same language?

Is true that Bulgarian and Macedonian are basically the same language?

it's all explained here

what is slavic then? proto-slavic (rus)?
all slavs were one nation until the mongol subjugation
then muscovy got independence and unified it again changing the name of the state to rus
should russians change the name of the language to muscovian then?
russia directly claims the continuation of the proto-slavic state and language

тa хyй их paзбepёт этих бoлee пpимитивных cлaвян. пoпpoбyй пoлякa кoнчeнным дoлбoёбoм yгaндoшeнным oб дepeвo нa пoльcкoм нaзвaть. a нe пoлyчитcя

>all slavs were one nation until the mongol subjugation
What a fucking retard