Only someone severely oversocialized and undereducated could enjoy such a nonsensical, panderous...

Only someone severely oversocialized and undereducated could enjoy such a nonsensical, panderous, hollow piece of garbage. Every single moment that was supposed to evoke an emotional reaction felt dishonest, every ounce of production value was dragged through the dirt by the most incompetent writing and direction I've ever seen in a big budget series. This was the perfect product for the modern Democrat.

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That's true. It's a moral failing if you like this dreck.


I liked how they tastefully de-aged Alec Guinness. Still, barely recognized him

You guys always acting like you're above all these garbage star wars products really falls flat since you a) watch all of them religiously knowing they'll be shit and b) shitpost about them endlessly for weeks

At least the NPCs watch it cause they like it, what's your excuse lol

They're releasing too much bad content consistently for that to be true any more, it's hard to keep up now with all the different shitty SW shows. Somehow there's TWO Boba Fett shows, one is popular one is not? I don't have the patience to watch and figure out the difference


I watch it together with people for redpilling purposes. They've begun to see the patterns.

I just wish all these moments with Obi Wan calling Anakin Darth, Vader saying he killed Anakin, Parallels to their fight in Episode 3 etc etc weren't all shoehorned in in the final but actually carefully explored throughout the series.

Finale was good (the fight at least fuck the Reva crap) but it felt a lot like "Oh yeah right we forgot to tie the story in to Episode 4, better resolve all that real quick

>They've begun to see the patterns.
What pattens?
Luke's surrogate parents had guns in their homes, I thought you republicunts like that type of things.

OR were you simply offended because one of the villains were black? I thought you republicunts wanted blacks vilified.

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All the women doing physically implausible stuff and commandeering the men around. All the diversity casting like Ice Cube Jr, brown british woman, black Inquisitor woman, chinese Inquisitor, and a ridiculous amount of it in crowds as well.

>black Inquisitor woman, chinese Inquisitor
But you're always trying to convince us Black and Chinese are evil.

What happened? Why do republicunts get butthurt over Black and Chinese villains?

Are you even a person? Really having my doubts right now.

I guess my arguments are too strong and ousted you for the brainless hillbilly you are.

>Only someone severely oversocialized and undereducated could enjoy such a nonsensical, panderous, hollow piece of garbage. Every single moment that was supposed to evoke an emotional reaction felt dishonest, every ounce of production value was dragged through the dirt by the most incompetent writing and direction I've ever seen in a big budget series. This was the perfect product for the modern Democrat.

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Indeed. The idea of not being a retardedly globalized, "inclusive" production doesn't even compute in that little mind of yours.

Ah, so you're butthurt because they got the jobs. They're better off being unemployed after all.

The anglokike always things in terms of money and financials, I should have known.

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He cute.

Did you expect a disney product to be good in this day and age? They intentionally make their products shit.

>brings up money
>accuses another who never brought up money to always think in terms of money

Didn't you just admit you were butthurt over the production hiring too many people of colour?

There's an argument in people not being hired for jobs they aren't cut of for, surely. I don't care about the money however, I care about how unpleasingly the results turn out.

Jesus Christ faggots kiss already

>no, you can't just own the libs on 4channel/tv/.org

>There's an argument in people not being hired for jobs they aren't cut of for
But that can't be true. The producer wanted to pander to you and cast blacks and Chinese as the villains.

Just the way you love it.

I liked it, but I'm not a democrat I'm an aristocratic feudalist.