Anyone else find it concerning that Italian boys look like this?

Anyone else find it concerning that Italian boys look like this?

Attached: 295818998_163613912871904_83360803205042898_n.jpg (1170x2080, 227.6K)

That's a girl

Stop posting this everyday

Girls have fannies.
Boys have willies
He has a willy.

world is okay without italy


That's a woman
Stop it with the gay psyop

Somebody called you out for pretending that you actually believe that pic related is a guy because you broke character and you played it off like it was somebody else. stop, just stop, its not even funny or sensible .
She cute thoughever

*he cute thoughever

Why does she make the facial expression in pic related

Attached: DB4E849F-5267-4A4C-A8A1F8AB1344C945_source.jpg (590x394, 66.17K)

What are you trying to achieve

She's sucking her cheeks for the pic because it make her look thinner and her face look more defined

T-That's a boy??!!


Has a lovely little cock

Anything for likes on the net I guess



Burn alive pederast

I am Greek

You are brown