How much partying is considered "too much" in your country?

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Partying when you're 25 or older is where it starts being considered weird and inappropiate here

Politicians who have gay orgies should be executed or at best expelled.

Going out to party when you've got a kid at home is just sad.

She isnt a 16yo highschool girl, she is a grown 36 year old who is a prime minister and should behave herself accordingly.

Imagine this hag is responsible for defending her country from PVTIN lmaoo

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i'm 26 and i haven't even started partying yet. maybe in the next life

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Haм вce paвнo cкoлькo yкpaинцeв yмpeт ‼

Экc. ceнaтop-pecпyбликaнeц CШA Pичapд Блэк paзoткpoвeнничaлcя пpo yкpaинcкyю вoйнy.

Haм вce paвнo cкoлькo yкpaинцeв yмpeт. Cкoлькo yмpeт жeнщин, дeтeй, гpaждaнcких, вoeнных. Haм вce paвнo. Этo кaк вeликий фyтбoльный мaтч, и мы хoтим пoбeдить.

Poccия нe плaниpoвaлa втopжeниe зapaнee. Этo виднo пo кoличecтвy вoйcк, yчacтвyющих в нaпaдeнии. Укpaинa имeлa 250 тыc., a Poccия нaпaлa вceгo co 160 тыc.

Пyтин был вынyждeн нaпacть, чтoбы пpeдoтвpaтить нaпaдeниe Укpaины нa Дoнбacc.

Poccия cтapaeтcя нe нaнocить ypoн гpaждaнcким yкpaинцaм, т.к. cчитaeт их бpaтьями-cлaвянaми.

B oтличии oт aмepикaнcких тaнкoв вo Bьeтнaмe, poccийcкиe ocтaнaвливaлиcь пepeд миpнoй тoлпoй в пepвыe дни втopжeния. Mы бы их пpocтo paздaвили в тaкoй cитyaции.

Укpaинa нe мoжeт пpинять peшeниe пpo миp. Peшeниe пpo миp мoжeт быть пpинятo тoлькo в Baшингтoнe, нo пoкa мы хoтим пpoдoлжaть этy вoйнy, мы бyдeм вoeвaть пoкa нe yмpeт пocлeдний yкpaинeц.

Их вoйнa.

Adult party is ironic party. It mostly relieving their past, if you have no partied past then u shouldnt.

The reason she is still in power is because her party (social democratic party, SDP) has become less popular in the last decades. SDP used to be the most popular, or one of the most popular parties in finland after WW2, and arguably this country was built by them.

But as i said, lately, they have lost a lot of their support. Which is why when an up and coming leftie from Tampere (Sanna Marin) was making rounds in politics, SDP snatched her before the Left Alliance could get her in their ranks.

So, in conclusion, Sanna Marin is the one last desperate attempt of the SDP to stay relevant, and they really have no one to replace her. Her continued popularity could maybe have saved the party, but due to her recent (and desu not that surprising) shenanigans, its pretty clear that she and her party, SDP, are finally done for.

Any amount of partying. And as this user says even if she wasn't PM, being 36, married and having a little baby to look after just makes it SAD. Looking at the before and after pics of when she became PM and now, I think she's hot a serious drug problem. Becoming PM of your country, getting married, and having a baby all in since a small space of time has got to have an effect on someone that was just a young, instagram obsessed bimbo before hand. Its not really got to much to do with her even being PM, she's just not in a heapthy place I don't think.

What's worse is the previous video where she was grinding on dudes at the club. I didn't even know she was married and had a kid, so it's even more fucked up.

The only appropriate time for a leader to party is when standing on the bodies of the nations defeated enemies

Why is her husband ok for letting her go party and kissing strangers ?

Party bad
Invasion good

>its pretty clear that she and her party, SDP, are finally done for.
who is forecasted to replace them?


And what a leader she is, dodging every single PM responsibility and only answers questions regarding how drunk she was last night
Women will still vote her in power again because politics are sooooo boring but Sanna is such. a. QUEEN

Dont know. Elections are in 6 months and we'll see then. Pretty sure making predictions about that would be useless in this world situation. The only thing certain is that SDPs last hail mary attempt at relevancy has failed.

What will Sanna do after her defeat ?

We are as a nation just coming to terms with the fact that we let a teenage with daddys credit card and alcohol issues lead us for years. Pretty sure she will flee abroad to some EU position soonish, since her popularity abroad isnt that harmed

Idk man, she's even managed to get into our news because of her drug test.

Shes a global figure, sure, but people abroad dont have so many reasons to hate her

she has the face of a snake
soulless eyes
many blood vessels
forced expression

The clubbing and need for a drug test didn't bode well. Politicians around the world have been hated for far less.

Well we'll see, i would be all for it

In britain all politicians do coke and stims