Why can't she just like, get married and have kids the way everybody else does

Why can't she just like, get married and have kids the way everybody else does

Attached: wandavision-elizabeth-olsen-social-featured[1].jpg (1400x700, 107.89K)

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>get married and have kids the way everybody else does
Like you got married and kids?

Yes that way, worked for me why can't she?

because she married a dickless ken doll

Chthon would have any man she married die, just like everyone else she has ever cared about.

"The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged."

She has to be forged, ergo any attempt at happiness will invariably fail.

>Muh Cthon
Fu k off with your headcanon

yes? Keep projecting faggot

why didnt she erase her memories

>get married and have kids the way everybody else does
y-yeah haha

she wants the BVC
big vibranium cock


Just watched this today, zombie Strange was pretty cool

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Her relationship with her brother messed her up for "normal" relationships with other men.

t. unmarried loser

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Why does she not give a shit about him being dead?

Hahaha ugly femcel

nice fanfiction you go there

That was the first thing to set her off though. Even in the show she tried to res him too in the form of the x-men actor.

I liked the spirit things deadite voices and lower frame cgi kind of gave it a stop motion look

Why did two mexican space lesbians name their daughter "America"?


