Post your fav movie from the year you were born

Post your fav movie from the year you were born

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>you never leave

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I'm torn between the Truman Show or Saving Private Ryan.


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2001 didn’t have much kino to work with

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>the year it all changed
It's for the best you'll never know how good we had it. If you don't know what you're missing you can still know some sort of joy.

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Before Sunrise. It was a pretty shit year from what I'm seeing right now

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Hard choice. Bladerunner and Conan are from the same year.

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I hate zoomers so fucking much it's unreal. If you're under 28 don't post on this board. Fuck off and eat shit.

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>I'm 76 years old
i don't believe you

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fuck off, zoomie

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