Watch 24

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tfw there's a mole in the CTU!

Hacking into the subnet right now.

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>watch NSA/DHS propaganda

No thanks.

Watch 24 (Japan)

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Take a shot everytime Jack says "please"

And another at each "Damn it".

>The American entertainment industry hasn't hasn't produced anything newer and noteworthy enough to ripoff in over 20 years
That's actually super depressing

Who are suppose to be the terrorist in this? Norks?

I would say the Breaking Bad adaptations were more recent than 24, but not by much

why isn't it called 23+1

I only watched S01 a few years ago and forgot all about it except the ending. Should I continue?

>Palmer gets slipped some sort of bio weapon in the s2 finale
>that entire conflict is dropped in s3


yes what the fuck

truly does peak around season 4/5. even though every season after that isn't as good, it's still better than a majority of shows. don't forget to watch 24 in Africa either, watch Jack mow down some blacks. It's great.

based japan should do more nigger free remakes

I always laugh when this lispy cocksucker waddles back into frame and dies from the gas

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it used be be america ripping of japan

I'd say in the early 90's and 2000's they had a healthy amount of respect and distain and ripped off each other about equally, but now it's just Japan mogging America with no real recourse because our politics and social issues are either stupid or in the wrong place entirely now